How Would Red Velvet + You sing _________?


Based on a YouTube video

(By the way, this is not my opinion to make this, so don't plagiarise me)

(And I don't own Red Velvet or any of the lyrics of their songs)


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I guess I'm the second commenter. Lol. This may have potential but many readers believe it or not don't speak fluent Korean at least I don't. So it's hard to get involved in the story. It would be better to write it all in English and maybe use a little Korean here and there. As I look at each chapter I wasn't sure so I'm going to ask. Are those just the words to their songs? I would love to see you write a story about your bias and share that with your readers. It doesn't have to be very long. Even a one-shot would work! I think you will do a good job if you tried that but I will give you my support by upvote on this work. ^^
Hey.Guess I'm the first commenter here.