Still Love You


Even after three years they break up and go to their own ways, Hakyeon still love that girl. Hakyeon still miss her. Hakyeon really want to meet her again and continue their life journey together.


Song Hyohee take a drastic decision when she ended her relationship with Hakyeon when the boy still a trainee. She want that boy to keep his attention on chasing his dream when she know the boy will be able to debut. She want Hakyeon to be an idol like what he always want. She know she give nothing except distraction to him and for that, she need to disappear from Hakyeon's life for him to focus on his dream. 

When she leave the boy, she need to force herself to not looking back. She keep telling herself "its for Hakyeon. Its for Hakyeon". In these three years, she always keep in update on Hakyeon. She has been one of the starlight and Hakyeon's secret admirer. Even when she just can watch him from far, its better than she never can't see him at all.


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Chapter 8: This was so cute. And her jealousy towards the dad of the group, Leo is even cuter.
Chapter 7: At first I was just as panicked as Hakyeon. Glad she's okay and they're back together.
Chapter 6: Of course they'll be worried about their beloved leader. Leo is the wise one.
Chapter 5: Hope she comes back to life soon. At least he got to read all her true feelings.
Chapter 4: Oh, that's so sad, they didn't have the chance to meet again.
Chapter 3: Hongbinnie saved the day.
Chapter 2: The boy's plan is worrying me, Sanghyuk was right, they should care about their lives more. She was so cute stalking him like that.
Chapter 1: Wouldn't want Hakyeon to be this sad ever.
emanoid #9
Chapter 5: This is so sad TT^TT . Hopefully nothing bad will happen to them