Protect Me


Jungkook looked at Jimin, looking as sweet and beautiful as the day they first met, even with his red rimmed eyes, his sunken cheeks from malnutrition, and his thin exhausted looking body, he still looked like the most beautiful angel Jungkook had ever had the chance to call him his, and he blew it, he ed up and he was now being deprived from the two best things that ever happened to him, his son and his husband.



OR: The taken inspired Jikook fic that no one asked for. (It's hardly inspired by the actual movie tho, no one gets kidnapped no one gets , this focuses on the hardships of the relationship between Jungkook who is a secret agent, and his husband who can't handle living a life of fear and loneliness)


Deep down he knew exactly what was going on, all the signs were there and he wasn’t stupid. He has caught the smartest and most dangerous people in Korea in less than a few months he was in nowhere stupid. But he wanted to be just that at the moment, his mind shutting down and he was sent into the biggest state of denial he has ever experienced. He walked over with careful steps, swallowing doing and trying to be as calm as he possibly could.


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Chapter 2: When will you update again? I love this story.. You make me cry..