Not A Word


This is just a random scene that I wrote down a little over two or three years ago, intending for it to be part of a longer story — but I got stuck. I couldn't think of anything else to write around it.

I thought it was pretty good at the time I wrote it, but reading it again now, I'm not so sure.

I'm posting it on AFF anyway for you guys to read. Honestly I think it's cringey as hell, but I'd appreciate it if you guys could tell me what you think. Let me know if you liked or didn't like it, tell me how it could have been better, or just anything you want to say about it.


In this scene, I had imagined Yixing as a teacher, and the main character as a college student working as a teacher's assistant.


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razberri_100802 #1
Chapter 1: Honestly sorry, im the kind to read without noticing the typos SO I DIDNT NOTICE ANYHING UNTIL I READ HE COMMENTS HEHE

this is a nice concept (not eig biased cos Yixing babe)
Chapter 1: Typo : "between us between us"
Mistake: not writing this into a full story lol it's seriously so good
Park_HyeSun #3
Chapter 1: I understand why you'll call it cringey. It's not bad. Personally I have trouble writing anything romantic so I'll consider you braver indeed.

As for typos/mistakes, I saw two at first glance:
- destraction should be spelled as distraction
- otherarm should be spaced out as other arm