Love on the Explore Page





Ever dreamed of your favorite Kpop star following you on instagram? Well this is a story about accidents and awkward messaging. 



So Ive been a kpop fan for about 5 years. But i recently took a hiatus from the genre as i felt no one really cared about the music. But i reheard save me by bts and remebered why I liked them sooo much. V was my bias for years but ive recently noticed Suga and his cuteness so this is a story about suga and yea. This is just for fun and I just wnat to start writing again and this seems like a good place to start. 





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Mel-pop #1
I can't wait to read the story! ^.^
idontevenlikekpop #2
Wow, I am so excited to read what’s to come. I love your writing style and how casual it is. I don’t even know who Sugar is but i’ll always be reading as your #1 fan. ?