
forgive and forget

Jihoon's POV



Its been 3 years since Jihoon has been friends with Soonyoung.



His feelings for the latter has not disappeared yet. In fact, it's growing.


The younger was so in love with the older that it was hard to avoid him.



Meanwhile, Soonyoung, completely oblivious of Jihoon's feelings, has been dating a few people.



Including Jihoon's best friend, Wonwoo.



Jihoon was too in love with Soonyoung, that he forgot to tell his best friend. He was too in love that he was completely unaware of the flirty stares and looks that was thrown to each other by Soonyoung and Wonwoo.



So the day he decided to tell Wonwoo about his crush, it was also the day Wonwoo decided to tell Jihoon something too.



So when he saw Wonwoo the next day, both with a happy and nervous expression, blurted out the same exact thing.



"I have something to tell you!!"



Jihoon and Wonwoo both laughed.



"Okay. You first!" said Jihoon, excitedly.



"Me and Soonyoung are dating!" squealed Wonwoo.



Jihoon froze. His eyes widened. He did not know what to say but just listen to Wonwoo rambling excitedly.



"Isnt this amazing!! He told me he liked me and wanted to just court me if i didnt like him back! But i told him I did and he asked me to be his boyfriend! Im so happy, Jihoon! My first boyfriend ever! He said that I caught his eyes the moment he saw me and--"



Jihoon cut him off and said, "That's great Wonwoo. Im so happy for you. I need to go though. I-Im busy, with um- something, yeah. I'll talk to you later."



Jihoon gave him a small smile but it didnt reached his eyes.



"But, I thought you have something to say to me too. We havent talked that mu--"



Jihoon cut him off again and said with a sad smile, " It's fine. Its nothing important. Bye Jeon."



And with that he left Wonwoo. Wonwoo felt like what he said made Jihoon upset but he was confused. Why does Jihoon look so upset?



Jihoon ran.



And ran.



And ran.



Completely ignoring the rain that was pouring heavily.



He was soaked. His eyes were burning red from the tears that fell just as he left Wonwoo.



He knew it was a mistake. A mistake to fall in love with someone clearly the opposite of him. Clearly Jihoon had no chance of being with Soonyoung.



Why. Why does it hurt so much. To be in love. To be in love with someone who he has no chance of being happy with.



But Jihoon cant help it. He cant help but fall in love with Soonyoung. It was hard to avoid this feelings.



All he need was time to be alone. To clear his mind. He knew he should be happy for his best friend. But how could he just pretend?



How could he just pretend to be happy when your best friend is dating someone you have been in love with for so long? How could he just pretend that everything was okay? How could he just pretend to be happy?



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Hello! I edited chapter 12 a lil bit cause my grammar there lol.


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Min_Ilsang #1

/Who r u, bih.
saymansae #2
Chapter 14: Cheol cheol cheol pleaseeeeee #teamjicheol
Chapter 14: Oh my ... NOOOOOOOO!!!! DON'T DO THAT! Why can't they be together! Kwon Soonyoung, I'm disowning you!
Chapter 14: Seungcheol seungcheol i want jicheol
Chapter 14: Poor jihoon ;-; at least this time hoshi was honest. Even if it tore my heart out of my chest. I liked the ending though. I felt like it was more, like, realistic..? I dunno I loved it though. Seungcheol and Jeonghan are such good friends though. Always there for Jihoonie. And poor Seungkwan getting ignored lol thank you for this amazing fic. It was a great read and I really enjoyed reading each chapter!
oieaolkin #6
Chapter 14: Epilogue please and thank you, I enjoyed this story quite a bit. I also liked how the the title of each chapter formed a continuing sentence.
Min_Ilsang #7
Chapter 13: I'm laughing to Seungkwannie HAHABABAHAHAHABHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA sorry Boo. I can't help.

Update soon, please? :33
Chapter 13: Please put a happy ending. Please. And thanks for always updating and I hope you have a good day !
Chapter 13: I’m triggereddddddd holy kkk soonyounggg but team #jicheol
DokKodok #10
Chapter 12: Well, I'm not hating soonyoung in real life. But I ing hate soonyoung in this story ???
Soonyoung you son of a
*ok. I'm just triggered by seungcheol*