
forgive and forget

Jihoon's POV



Jihoon felt numb.



He felt..... empty.



He's supposed to breakdown and cry until he was satisfied. Until he was gasping for air as he cried.



But, for some odd reason, he just, didnt.



He felt sad, yes. He cried, yes. But to the point where he wanted to breakdown? No.



He was confused. Maybe his emotions was rushing through everywhere that he didnt know what to feel anymore.



He felt, like every part of his body was weak. He felt fragile and vulnerable. He felt like collapsing and not wake up after.



He felt like all of this emotions he is feeling right now is draining all of his energy. He felt like he was into a bottomless pit hole and cant be brought back.



Third Person's POV


When Jihoon arrived at his dorm, he saw Seungkwan sitting on his couch.



"H-hyung?" stammered Seungkwan.



His hyung was standing there, looking lifeless. Although his face was blank and calm, it was clear that there were dried tears on his cheeks.  His face, paler than ever, looks like he just saw a ghost.



"H-hyung? Are you okay?" asked Seungkwan, softly.



Jihoon didnt answer. He didnt even blink. In fact, Seungkwan was doubting that Jihoon even heard his question.



Wordlessly, Jihoon walked to his bedroom and locked the door.



Suddenly, the front door was slammed open and came in Seungcheol, looking all angry and sweat, startling Seungkwan.



"Seungcheol hyung! What's happening?!" asked Seungkwan.



Ignoring Seungkwan, Seungcheol immediately ran to Jihoon's bedroom and knocking on his bedroom door.



"Why is everyone ignoring me! Am i that irrelevant or what!" shouted Seungkwan angrily.



"Jihoon! Open the door!" yelled Seungcheol. He looked like he's about to break down the door any minute.



Jeonghan suddenly burst into the dorm, looking at Seungcheol, who was banging on the door. He wore a painful expression. Clearly worried about his dongsaeng.



"Jeonghan hyung! What the is happening! Cheol hyung wont telle and ignor-" asked Seungkwan



Ignoring Seungkwan, yet again, rushed to Seungcheol and opemed Jihoon's door with a spare key.



"You know what?! you guys im outta here. Yall can just ignore me like i wasnt here, arriving to a empty dorm, waiting, for the owners of this lovely abode." said Seungkwan, sarcasticly.



Seungkwan stormed out of the dorm, not that anyone was paying attention to him.



Meanwhile, Jeonghan opened the door to Jihoon's room softly.



Jihoon was curled up in a ball like form and had a blanket around his body. The oldest didnt what to do. It pained him, seeing Jihoon like this.



"Jihoon? Are you alright?" asked Seungcheol, although knowing it was a stupid question to ask and Jihoon would probably not abswer.



"Y-yeah." croaked Jihoon, voice cracking. Jeonghan and Seungcheol jumped to the voice of Jihoon, clearly didnt expect the youngest to answer.



Suddenly, Jihoon bursts into tears, hiccuping at the same time. Jeonghan immediately hug Jihoon, caressing his hair while muttering soothing words.



"Hey, hey. It's okay. You're okay. Everything's gonna be okay." hushed Jeonghan. 



Seungcheol's anger reduced, seeing Jihoon in so much pain. It broke his heart seeing Jihoon cry all the time.



He stood up and left the room.



The front door suddenly opened and Seungcheol saw Soonyoung standing there. From the looks of it, he looks like he had cried.



Seungcheol tightened his jaw and clenched his fist. 



"What the are you doing here?" spat Seungcheol.



"I-I came to see Jihoon." stuttered Soonyoung quietly.



"Didnt i told you not to show your face here?" said Seungcheol, trying so hard not to punch the other.



"I-I just w-wanted to apologise to him. Please! Please I need to see him." cried Soonyoung. 



"I-I need to tell him something. " hiccuped Soonyoung.



Seungcheol didnt amswer him but he didnt let Soonyoung in too.



After a while, Seungcheol spoke.



"No" stated Seungcheol firmly.



"Leave. Jihoon is hurt because of you. He wouldnt want to see you. Im not going to prevent you from speaking to him, because this is not my business to interfere." said Seungcheol.



He stepped closer to Soonyoung and glared intently at him, "But. If you dare hurt or make him cry again, i'll personal kill you. Do you hear me? Even though you're my friend and dongsaeng, i wont hesitate to hurt you. Do you understand?"



Soonyoung whimpered, "Yes. Hyung. I wont. I promise."


A/N: Hello!! Next chapter is the last chapter!! Im still deciding whether or not to put it the ending as angst or a happy ending hahha. Anyways, as I said in the last chapter, there is going to be an explanation chapter which is kinda important to read. The explanation is after the final chapter which is going up soon :) 

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Hello! I edited chapter 12 a lil bit cause my grammar there lol.


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Min_Ilsang #1

/Who r u, bih.
saymansae #2
Chapter 14: Cheol cheol cheol pleaseeeeee #teamjicheol
Chapter 14: Oh my ... NOOOOOOOO!!!! DON'T DO THAT! Why can't they be together! Kwon Soonyoung, I'm disowning you!
Chapter 14: Seungcheol seungcheol i want jicheol
Chapter 14: Poor jihoon ;-; at least this time hoshi was honest. Even if it tore my heart out of my chest. I liked the ending though. I felt like it was more, like, realistic..? I dunno I loved it though. Seungcheol and Jeonghan are such good friends though. Always there for Jihoonie. And poor Seungkwan getting ignored lol thank you for this amazing fic. It was a great read and I really enjoyed reading each chapter!
oieaolkin #6
Chapter 14: Epilogue please and thank you, I enjoyed this story quite a bit. I also liked how the the title of each chapter formed a continuing sentence.
Min_Ilsang #7
Chapter 13: I'm laughing to Seungkwannie HAHABABAHAHAHABHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA sorry Boo. I can't help.

Update soon, please? :33
Chapter 13: Please put a happy ending. Please. And thanks for always updating and I hope you have a good day !
Chapter 13: I’m triggereddddddd holy kkk soonyounggg but team #jicheol
DokKodok #10
Chapter 12: Well, I'm not hating soonyoung in real life. But I ing hate soonyoung in this story ???
Soonyoung you son of a
*ok. I'm just triggered by seungcheol*