i love

forgive and forget

Jihoon's POV (Third Person)



Jihoon was a mess. He had not gotten enough sleep since the incident.


He has been locked in his room since then. He wouldn't eat. It's not like he had any appetite to eat anyways. His hair was untidy, his face was swollen, eyes glistering red and swollen from the tears. Dried tears were present on his face.


He has been ignoring all of his friends. His phone was blowing up with constant notifications. He didnt attend school too which was very unlike him.


His friends, especially Seungcheol, was worried for him. The only time Seungcheol saw Jihoon was when the latter wanted to go to the bathroom but then he locked himself again.



Seungcheol's POV


"Jihoon... please... come and eat. Jeonghan made you some soup." Seungcheol pleaded, knocking on Jihoon's door.


He wasnt surprised when there was no response from the younger.


He sighed. What was he supposed to do now?!


The younger havent eaten anything for the past three days. Not unless Jihoon had some hidden stash inside his room.


Suddenly, the door swung open.


Jihoon stood outside his bedroom door, looking so lifeless-like. Pale skin, red eyes and runny nise. His face also looked noticebly thinner.


"Oh my god, Jihoon!" gasped Seungcheol.


"I-im s-sorry h-h-hyung i ca-" croaked Jihoon. His voice cracked, trying hard not to breakdown in front of his hyung.


"Shh shh, its alright. Let's sit down frist and have some food okay? I'l call Jeonghan." whispered Seungcheol.


Jihoon nodded, not wanting to speak.


Minutes later, Jeonhan came in rushing from the convenience store.


"Oh.. Jihoon.." said Jeonghan softly, worriedly.


No one wanted to talk anymore, Seungcheol and Jeonghan just sat beside Jihoon trying to calm him down.


It wasnt long before Jihoon fell asleep due to his excessive crying. Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan who felt like he was about to cry seeing his dongsaeng sleeping with dried tears still on his face.


"Did he not went out from his bedroom until now?" asked Jeonghan quietly, careful not to wake up the youngest.


"Yeah...I'm not sure he has eaten at all too." said Seungcheol, worriedly.



"What now, Han? He looks so depressed. I feel so useless. I dont know what to do to help him." whispered Seungcheol.



"I-Im not sure too. Has he talked to you about it?" asked Jeonghan.



"Yeah well, he told me about liking Soonyoung and i gave him some advices about it. I told him to just tell Soonyoung how he felt. Im not sure if he told him already though." sighed Seungcheol.



"Maybe he confessed but Soonyoung rejected him? But thats so unlike Soonyoung! I really thought he like Jihoon! With all those flirtings and constant texting, anyone could have mistaken them as a couple!" said Jeonghan.



"Yeah true. But if Soonyoung likes Jihoon, then why did he rejected him? It doesnt make sense! Don't you think Soonyoung's is playing with Jihoonie's feelings?! I mean, anyone who's friends with Jihoon could tell that Jihoon is insecure of himself."



"Maybe.. I'm still not sure. Maybe we could talk to Soonyoung? Just to know both of their stories. In the mean time, maybe Jihoon should avoid seeing Soonyoung again. But i know this idiot won't say no to Soonyoung. He's too soft for Soonyoung. "





Jihoon's POV

Jihoon woke up the next day with yet another headache. He felt sick amd depressed.



' you, Kwon Soonyoung for making me like this.'



It was unfair, in his opinion. How could one person make him feel so emotional. He needed to stop this. Whatever it is he's feeling right now. He needed to move on. Maybe forget about Kwon Soonyoung also. Maybe make amends with Wonwoo, his ex-best friend.



He stumbled towards the bathroom and looked at the mirror. His eyes blood shot red, swollen from all those tears, face pale as a ghost, the chubbiness of his cheeks was noticebly thinner. He's also very hungry.



Deciding to finally take a proper shower a nd head to the kitchen where he found Jeonghan cooking. He smiled a bit. Eventhough he has been ignoring the constant messages from his friends, Jeonghan still has been taking care of him dearly ( and Cheol hyung too)



"Oh hey Jihoon, are you feeling better?" asked Jeonghan, giving him a small smile.



"I'll.. I'll be alright." said Jihoon, faking a smile towards Jeonghan.



Jeonghan felt bad. He knew Jihoon was not alright. Soonyoung is his first love anyways.



"Okay, Hoonie. Seungcheol went out for his morning jog. He'll be back in a few. Meanwhile, I made you some pancakes. You should eat. You haven't been eating properly right?"



"Yeah... Thanks, Hyung."


Jeonghan smiled and ruffled Jihoon's hair.



"You're welcome, buddy. Everything is going to be fine, okay?" muttered Jeonghan softly.



Jihoon smiled sadly. "Yeah.."


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Hello! I edited chapter 12 a lil bit cause my grammar there lol.


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Min_Ilsang #1

/Who r u, bih.
saymansae #2
Chapter 14: Cheol cheol cheol pleaseeeeee #teamjicheol
Chapter 14: Oh my ... NOOOOOOOO!!!! DON'T DO THAT! Why can't they be together! Kwon Soonyoung, I'm disowning you!
Chapter 14: Seungcheol seungcheol i want jicheol
Chapter 14: Poor jihoon ;-; at least this time hoshi was honest. Even if it tore my heart out of my chest. I liked the ending though. I felt like it was more, like, realistic..? I dunno I loved it though. Seungcheol and Jeonghan are such good friends though. Always there for Jihoonie. And poor Seungkwan getting ignored lol thank you for this amazing fic. It was a great read and I really enjoyed reading each chapter!
oieaolkin #6
Chapter 14: Epilogue please and thank you, I enjoyed this story quite a bit. I also liked how the the title of each chapter formed a continuing sentence.
Min_Ilsang #7
Chapter 13: I'm laughing to Seungkwannie HAHABABAHAHAHABHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA sorry Boo. I can't help.

Update soon, please? :33
Chapter 13: Please put a happy ending. Please. And thanks for always updating and I hope you have a good day !
Chapter 13: I’m triggereddddddd holy kkk soonyounggg but team #jicheol
DokKodok #10
Chapter 12: Well, I'm not hating soonyoung in real life. But I ing hate soonyoung in this story ???
Soonyoung you son of a
*ok. I'm just triggered by seungcheol*