I Thought I Loved You


She hated her life. Until, someone saved her. She doesn't know who it is. All that was left was a note that reads :"stay strong myday". Then she started getting a note everyday. She was determined to find out who it was. Later, when she graduates instead of notes she recieves emails instead. The person doesn't realize this but they started writing songs to keep them going. Even if she didn't understand what they were saying and didn't know they existed. 

"I’m alone
Under the moonlight
I’m alone
Only the cold night air" - Day6



"stop dancing" "singing is never going to help you in the future" "choose a realistic job" "you can't play an instrument how are you going to become a singer" "you have no talent" "not everyone makes it"

Aviva was tired of hearing those things. Aviva was always different. She didn't care about her grades all she cared about was singing and dancing. Her passion for dancing came a few years later after singing but she was still passionate. She didn't have another plan. After school since she didn't have a job she went downtown and sung & danced while no one really payed attention. She never had any friends so she was used to being by herself. She also started a youtube channel to showcase her talent (plus just for fun). She has an interests in photography but never fully committed to it like she does to singing & dancing. She tried to act when she was little but that didn't really work out for her. She is a only child in the family. Her family doesn't really understand why she has this passion for art. They would always bring her down but she would always keep trying no matter what they said. So, they just gave up and decided to let her pursue this dream but if she doesn't make it she can't come back home. 


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