Appreciating The8


A collection of Minghao-centric brotp drabbles.


I meant to post this on his birthday, or at least during the time he had to take a semihiatus because of his back, but I was so wrapped up in my exams. Now that I'm free, I'm really gonna do this special something for him. When I first got into Seventeen, I kind of doubted if the other boys really did care for Minghao because I noticed he was often left out or thought of the last, but when I realised I was wrong, I was inspired to write these shots. 

The first twelve chapters will be one brotp each, according to age, and although it's non-AU, it'll be mostly fictional based on my observations of the dynamics that revolve around Minghao and his friendships. For easier reference, here's a list of which brotp is in which chapter:

1. CheolHao (Seungcheol x Minghao)

2. JeongHao (Jeonghan x Minghao)

3. JiHao (Joshua x Minghao)

4. JunHao (Junhui x Minghao)

5. SoonHao (Hosh x Minghao)

6. WonHao (Wonu x Minghao)

7. HoonHao (Jihoon x Minghao)

8. SeokHao (Seokmin x Minghao)

9. GyuHao (Mingyu x Minghao)

10. KwanHao (Seungkwan x Minghao)

11. VerHao (Hansol x Minghao)

12. ChanHao (Chan x Minghao)

And from then on, if I manage to come up with more ideas, it'll be random mix and would probably star a lot of my favourite Hao ships.

I obviously love Xu Minghao with my whole heart and he means everything to me, so to anyone who reads this, I hope you'll give Hao all the love in this world too. He's such a great person and deserves nothing but all good things. Anyway, enjoy~


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Can't wait for your story...... Minghao is really adorable, who will not love him?