Looking for a literate person that could teach me how to write/plot well



So I've been role playing for awhile now, but I've always been very insecure about my writing skills. I tend to chicken out when someone is way better at writing so I usually join roleplay's that are less literate. 

When people ask me to plot, I mostly will tell them that I don't want to, just because I get insecure.

I would really appreaciate it if someone could help me get better at writing. Someone that is patient, can give me tips or tell me what I'm doing wrong. If you're interested, you could leave a comment or send me a private message.



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I don't consider myself to be the best literate roleplayer, but I think I have enough forays and to share a thing or two about it.

P. S. Atm I only can rp through fb and tumblr tho