Pluck My Heart-String and Make Me Sing


Talia Anjolie:

Talented poet, angelic singer, rising pianist, and loving girlfriend. 

She is aiming to enter Juilliard to become an actress, while her doting boyfriend Jeong Jungkook is aiming for Harvard University to major in business and economics.

They had been together since childhood despite their difference in race and vowed to love only each other forever. In their final year of high school, they moved in together with the help of Woo Ji-Ho, Jungkook's step-brother and despite the opposition of their families. They worked to pay rent, studied all night together, and got by on ramen and juice. However, what happens when Jungkook's childhood friend from Korea, Kim Nam-Joon moves in with them? He is a shy person at first, but as Talia gets to know him, he becomes charismatic and funny. He also loves music more than anything. Talia's world is shaken and her love with Jungkook becomes strained as they aim for their individual goals. Will Nam-Joon provide Talia the encouragement she craves or will he provide a love that she never knew she could have?


"I swear I love Jungkook." Talia whispered leaning closer to Nam-Joon in the enclosed taxi.

"I love him, too. He is my brother." Nam-Joon whispered back with a light brush of his lips against hers.

"This is wrong."

"I want you."

"I want you, too. And that is what's scaring me." She kissed him and he pulled her into the sweet escape of passion.


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