Adversities and Curosities


Sometimes, in the world there would be those who are born with unique gifts although it was quite rare in many cases, but as time progressed and as the world continued on down the path of where anything seemed possible. Kim Myung Jun, better known as 'MJ' was one of those people with such a gift. From a very young age, he has always been fascinated by life and death itself from a spiritual belief in the paranormal; especially after getting an Ouija Board for jokes and accidentally finding himself in contact with a spirit, some of his friends found it to be fake and them just pretending, but others had a faint relief. There, his curiosity sparked, checking out books from the strangest of stores, books on rituals, after all, what's the worse that could happen?


"You said your name was Sanha?" He'd question, receiving his attention from the young demon who seemed to be playing with a lava lamp."Yep!" The demon, now named Sanha stated almost happily before getting up from the ground, moving his attention to the closet to see what exactly was in there."You humans do have a lot of stuff.." He'd blink, taking out a few shirts in confusion by the colors."Can.. can you not touch my stuff?" MJ said with a scrunch of his nose,"I'm trying to ask you questions." Sanha the heels of his feet and looked at the other, still reaching for things out of the closet."What questions?" He'd hum before dropping the clothes, zipping over to a snow globe on the dresser to shake it, mesmerized by the tiny speckles of glitter that fluttered about within the glass dome that captivated his interest more than the others words did. Carelessly, MJ continued on anyway."You're a Iakoudon, you're suppose to be a large menacing creature filled with blood-lust and desire to feast on human emotions, yet, you look nothing like you're suppose to." He'd mutter, tapping the page with his bookmark."What's up with that?


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