Forgive Me (Jikook/Yoonkook/Jinkook)


Jungkook is trying to hide his secret job from every one around him accept for his girlfriend and best friends. But he just found out that his new co-worker had the same job. Jungkook thought he was straight but something about Jimin changed that.


It was early in the morning when my alarm suddenly blared in my ears, I groaned to the sound of it from not getting enough sleep.I pressed the snooze button and threw my blanket off of me and got up, feeling super tired and hungry.It was 6:30AM and I had work today, so I slowly made my way to the bathroom and took a shower washing away the sleepiness.*Turns off shower*I was drying off my hair when I felt my stomach growl it felt like I got hit 1000 Times in my stomach.I groaned in pain and put on a pair of boxers.

I opened the door of my room to be greeted by my roommate min yoongi,me and yoongi were really good friends since grade 2 and we just finshed collage.Yoongi said "Hey man what's up" I looked up at him trying to stay awake,"Hi,Yoongi, and nothing just feeling really tired and super fricking hungry" *Yoongi chuckles*Y-"Theres bacon and eggs on the table and a cup of coffee".I look up at him excitedly J-"Really" *Yoongi laughs*Y-"yeah,I'm gonna go use the washroom and I'll meet you down there,okay"J-"Okay."

I ran downstairs smelling bacon my stomach growled very loudly and ran to the table to eat my food.When I was done eating my bacon which Yoongi had made a lot of,he came down looking very cheery I wondered why but I left it.*Yoongi laughed*Y-Kookie why did you eat all the bacon" *Yoongi was still softly chuckling* I looked up at him and smiled at him in an embarrassing manner suddenly I opened my mouth and said "you got 5 pieces in the microwave" *Yoongi bursted out laughing because of how retarded I looked with my mouth stuff with bacon* *I glared at him*And scoffed down the rest of my eggs.

It was only 7:06AM and I had 45 minutes till I had to leave for work because it's a 10 minute drive from my house. I walked out of the dining room into the kitchen to put my plate away.Suddenly the phone rang I ran instantly toward it before Yoongi picked it up instead *Jungkook looks up at him and glares but soon enough forgives him*.I waited for Yoongi to be done on the phone.When Yoongi finishes talking I say "Who was that" Y-"A guy who wants to go on a date with me". Yes your probably wondering why I have a guy living in my house who likes men.But trust me Yoongi doesn't like me in that way because we're basically brothers.

It was 7:10 I walked into the living room and jumped on the couch gradually making myself comfortable Yoongi walked in and lifted up my legs and sat under them.I looked at him but he looked comfortable so I smiled and looked away "Hey Jungkook we should watch SpongeBob *I bursted out laughing* Yoongi looks at me and says "What,It'll be like old times*I looked at him still with a smirk on my face trying to hold down my laughter*I let out a little sigh* "Okay Yoongi just this once" *Yoongi claps his hands together 3 Times and stops* *SpongeBob theme song playing* *knock knock knock* Yoongi jumped up hurting my legs.

*Yoongi answers the door "package fore Min Yoongi" Y-"Thats me" "Okay please sign here and take your package *signs paper,takes package* 

"Thanks man"

*The man looked at him angrily.*

*closed The door and scoffed* "um" *opens package* Yoongi's eyes widened as he seen a big pile of money in it, he picked up the note and read "Hey, um here's a little piece offering for letting me work with you as your assistant" ¥oongi smiled and walked towards the living room to see jungkook sleeping on the couch. Yoongi smiled softly and giggled, he sat beside jungkook lightly putting his legs over him.Yoongi placed the box on the floor beside him and got comfortable and fell asleep watching spongebob.

Jungkook woke up seeing Yoongi fast asleep under his legs,Jungkook smiled and got up slowly walking to his bedroom to grab a blanket and walked back into the living room putting it on Yoongi.Yoongi sighed and cuddled the blanket fully sprolling on the couch.

Jungkook smiled and bent down kissing Yoongi on the forehead walking to the kitchen and eating a bowl of cocoa puffs, I stopped and looked at my watch it read 7:34 and ran upstairs to change my clothes. I grabbed an oversized black sweater and black skinny jeans and my favorite black hat that had 3 piercings running along the side of the beak, I ran my hand through my black hair and took in a deep breath and sighed.

I walked downstairs and Yoongi popped his head out of the kitchen looking at me and smiling I said "what" "someone's looking spiffy" *I looked at him and scoffed* "I always dress like this Yoongi" "Yeah, ok, you heading to work" "Yeah, just stressing because my boss is super hard on me but I'm excited because there's gonna be a new employee" "Oooh" "I kind of want I to be a girl but I also want it to be a guy, ya know" *Yoongi looked up at me and smiled softly* "shut up man!,I got to go to work," *Yoongi laughs but walks up to Jungkook and hugs him, smelling his cologne and sighing 
Jungkook hugs him back I walked out the door saying goodbye to Yoongi.

(Sorry this was short but I'm coming back to make another)


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