Utter Mystery


Blank, everything was a blank slate. I couldn't remember anything. All I remember is running for my life out of fear of strange people that would hunt me down and do unspeakable things to me. Nothing if how I came to the area I was in could be reached, almost as if I was a child or someone that lost their mind, the mind that held all the memories the person would need. However, 6 patient people found me in their bakery, some in effort to help me recover and leave, and others to help me get back on my feet. But, the question is, how does someone remember things so horrifying, with unexplained abilities?


Hello! I'm back again with a brand new idea and story! Welcome to a story of the unknown and sci-fi/fantasy themes. I thought that this idea would be a great story. There is no intention of plagerisment, and any story similar to this one is pure coincidence. All content is written as the story flows through my fingers and is intended to be original. Please do not claim any part of this story as yours and hopefully you enjoy it! Don't forget to check out my other stories that I'm trying to update at the moment: "Dancer's Passion" and "One Kiss Start." Thank you so much and be sure to comment on your thoughts of the development of the characters and plot! Love you all <3


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