What's your shoe size?


Mark met Jinyoung in the most weirdest way. I mean, who has clown shoes?


Here is a blob of words I puked on my computer! Let me know if you liked it, if you didn't like it, if you love DAY6's I Loved You.  Really I love to hear from you guys and I hope you'll like this story! Thank you in advance.


Have a nice reading time :)


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simba7 #1
Chapter 1: this is literally such an amazing story 🥰💖 I was wHeeZiNG with laughter but also squeaking over how cute it is 😂😊 its soooo great :) thank you, author-nim <3
Chapter 1: Cute~
I’m so weak for markjin, my heart literally clenched at every single word :’)
Chapter 1: I don't love DAY6's I Loved You.... I LOVE ALL OF THEIR SONGS ♡♡

"Clown-shoe-sneaker-stealer-boy" HAHAHAHAH that was so funny XD

Jinyoung is so cute here. I mean, he is always cute, specially when his eyes smile, but like, he is so innocent haaaaa

Thank you for the wonderful story (^-^)
Chapter 1: Cuuuuuuuuuuuuute
Thank you ^^
Dudeee, i need see this awesome dude in clown shoes.... haha <3
Chapter 1: Cutie pie piece...^_^
Chapter 1: This is adorable. I like the story and your writing style so much. :D
Chapter 1: Amazing, and got7 will comeback soon 10 oct
Chapter 1: This awesome dude is reallll. (ಥ_ಥ)
P/s; i loved you. ......day6 take my heart
Chapter 1: I would like to read their story after this ≧ω≦ dancing with their clown shoes, it sounds romantic since it's their beginning but i'd probably die laughing XD
Aaaah~ That was so cute haha
I really like your stories thank you -^-^-

ps : yes I do like I loved you too lol