Drabble dump


A dump of drabbles (50 to 500 words) I have written in the years between 2008 and 2014 on LJ.


Like my Ficlet dump I found it more convenient to just collect those very short writings into one single post.


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Chapter 3: I thought Jaejoong would commit suicide. I'm glad he didn't. Yunho would probably be lonely if he did ㅠ.ㅠ
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 16: Hahahaha...what a way to tell your brother.
Kattan69 #3
Chapter 15: All these give me a nice warm and fuzzy feeling...^_^
Kattan69 #4
Chapter 9: Those words warm my heart...I’m home.
Neng2ovid #5
Chapter 13: Nice jae go claim your man
Chapter 12: Your drabbles are seriously good!
not really a fan of drabble, but as long as its yunjae, i would give a shot :)
all the best
Chapter 7: Please continue this ^^
Kattan69 #9
Chapter 8: This can go with the previous chapter....the before.
Kattan69 #10
Chapter 7: Poor lovers...but at least they are together now.