Is This Real?


Who would have thought that a simple concert and being clumsy could change your whole life?


I never thought that this could really happen. I always thought something like fate or destiny would not exist but I guess I was wrong. This might sound like a dream or even like a story from a movie but no. It all happened like this. Unbelievable but true.


But let's start from the beginning of all of this. It started with me liking a certain group. A boy group. Super Junior to be exact. They are loved all over the world, have thousands of fans called ELF; me being on of them.




Hope you'll love the story. Please comment :3

it's just awesome to finish a chapter during the train ride n_n keeping yourself busy kkk


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Chapter 42: forever being the only one to comment OTL (well, maybe some others are going to comment later but right now......)
cheesy cupcakes~~~~~ really, i don't think i ever read a ff cheesier than yours XD luckily i like cheesy ;)
oh... and... i'll look forward to reading the future chapters... with your new experiences and stuff ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 41: hey! it's finally me! commenting your newest (but not so new anymore) chapter^^
i'm so sorry but i'm laughing so hard XD the thing with whipping the tears away XDDDDD
and the dream.... when you read it already it's somehow way too funny so i cracked up at that part...... yeah. i think there is something wrong with me but.... no but(t)s! i'm weird and that's okay and i miss you :(
and i really hope that maybe you have a little time over there (far far away on the other side of the world) to write and update *sigh*
poor kyu, poor cupcake... did i ever mention that i like cupcakes? most likely. well yeah~
so again... miss you. and please~ update so i can write another stupid comment XD
Chapter 40: oh my. the first part was soooooooooooooo boring...... but okay. i read it already XD you know i liked it when i read it for the first time^^
and really? princesssoomin (you know you forgot one 's', right?)???!!! well.... can't be helped now. it's too late...... you know what would be funny? why don't you change your real twitter name into this one?! ㅋㅋㅋ
anything else....... nope. can't think of something. besides..........
딸기 ^-^
Chapter 40: Don't leave me in suspense! What is Kyu gonna do????
Chapter 39: oh. and it's me again XD
don't be mean to kyu and just gibe him that stupid kiss.
but nice - leaving your eonni all alone with her bias... leaving your best friend all alone with a group of stupid but adorable idiots.... THUMBS UP XDDDDD
Chapter 38: OMG! that poor eonni XD
it's so cute how everyone protects her. and the shower scene... so cute and adorable and _______ed kyu. YAY. such a fun chapter :D
Chapter 37: i really can't understand such low life humans like that girl. WHO THE HELL WOULD WASTE CHERRY JUICE???!!!!! oh. and the threatening isn't nice either.
and if you dare to let this nightmare become reality i'll forget everything and i'll become a low life human and soak YOU with cherry juice!!! XF
Chapter 2: your story is so cute and I like your detailed style of writing :DD good job :3
Chapter 36: MIND BLOWN!!! WOAAAHHHHH!!!! KYU!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!! SCANDAL!!!!! WOAAH!!!!! oh god. what a shock you gave me there. tweeting this is as good as suicide. but yeah. WHY NOT?! insane. he is completely insane. but it's cute~ :D
Chapter 35: YAY! i so hoped someone would take a picture of them cuddling while they sleep ㅋㅋㅋ had lots of fun reading this chapter. so cute~ :D