
Running. It was their only option. Torn apart by secrecy and desperation, Ravi and Taekwoon decide it is time to leave the manor forever. However, things are not so easy and, soon, they find themselves entangled and separated in a world at war with itself. They cannot escape the Hell they have been into, but do they really want to return to the broken home they tried so hard to get away from? CHAPTERS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO INTO THE VOID TO MAKE ONE LONG STORY INSTEAD SO SUBSCRIBE TO THAT FOR UPDATES! 


So, here's the second installment as promised. This is going to have a lot more in it in terms of action and I might even say it's even more intense than the last one. Read, enjoy, subscribe, and comment! ^^

Link to 'Into The Void': (X)

Hey, I'm going to try and update this story over the weekend. I kind of lost motivation for a while and I'm not really sure if many people are actually liking this one (or Into the Void for that matter). Anyway, I'm determined to finish it so will try to put up a chapter soon x


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Chapter 2: Why am I constantly thinking Hakyeon is possessed? Sorry, I'm just watching too many paranormal shows and reading too many paranormal fanfics
Chapter 4: Whew! I thought you'll totally abandon this!! Thank you for not doing it. I'll be looking forward to the next updates. Thank you! :))
KTsuki-chan #3
Chapter 4: So... updates will be on Into the Void right??
Busy these days, so can't read a lot ;-;
miaasaa #4
Chapter 4: Excited for the next chapter..hurry up please..????
Chapter 2: Yes they broke the rule. But they're in love. I hope Hakyeon recomsiders. And I'm crying that WonTa3k will be confined separately. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I bet Jaehwan not sorry at all. I'm sorry but I hate him at this moment. :*(
I can't help but be depressed iver this turn of events. And I do feel sorry for Hakyeon too. :(((
Chapter 1: WHAT WAS THAT??!! What did Hongbin want to talk about in private??? Hmmm....
When will WonTaek tunaway together???....
KTsuki-chan #7
Chapter 2: Oh my God yes, more drama... but Hakyeon being like this is... kind of making my heart squeeze because it's too sad to make him destroy so much love ;-;
Chapter 2: combination of both
KTsuki-chan #9
Chapter 1: Oh no, please, don't tell me Hakyeon is after Jaehwan and that for saving him, Wontaek will confesd to Hakyeon about their relationship and be expulsed of the mansion ;-;
KTsuki-chan #10
Aaah I can already sense all the drama and angst here ;-;