Chapter Fifteen:

Underground Rapper
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This week has been pretty difficult. Apparently more rumors have started about Minho and I. Speaking of Minho, he won't leave my side and has made Kang Taemin, the kid who sits in front of me, to switch seats with him. I'm just happy that it's the weekend. 


I walk upstairs to my room after having breakfast. I lie on my bed and scroll through my social media. 


Ji-seok: Hey! Are you doing anything today?


Me: I'm free. Why?


Ji-seok: I need something from the house. 


Me: What is it?


Ji-seok: My other flash drive. I was wondering if you could bring it to me :D


Me: Sure. Where is it? 


Ji-seok: My top desk drawer. You're the best!!


Me: Okay, I'll see you soon.


I get off my bed, I walk to the bathroom and take a shower. I put on this black and white knee high dress, I brush my hair and teeth and braid my hair. I grab my purse and phone, I stop in Ji-seok's room for his flash drive and go downstairs. 


"Where are you going?" Mom asks. 


"Oppa asked me to bring him his other flash drive." I show her it. 


"Okay, but you aren't going to a college dorm or out in general in that."


I stare at my dress. It covers all of my chest and goes pass my knees. "Why not?"


"It's cold out and they're older boys there. Go put some pants on!" My mom points upstairs. 


I drop my bag on the ground and march upstairs. I put on some white skinny jeans and a black, thick sweater. I head back downstairs and my mom approves of my outfit. I grab my things, put on my black Converse and leave. I get on a bus and ride it all the way to the college campus. 


Me: I'm at the campus.


I begin to search for my brother's dorm building, but I just get lost. "How did I get lost?" I scold myself. 


"Excuse me Miss." Someone taps my shoulder. I spin around and see a kind and cute face. "Are you lost?"


"Yeah, I came to see my brother and I don't know where his dorm is."


"What is his dorm number?" I show him my brother's dorm number that is on my phone. "His dorm is next to mine, I'll take you."


"Thank you." I bow. I follow him towards the dorm. 


"Who's your brother?" 


"Woo Ji-seok."


"You're the famous Jia we have heard so much about." He smiles at me. 


I feel my face heat up. "Wh-what?"


"He tell us stories. I'm Kim Jinwoo, by the way."


I give him a small wave as we get my brother's dorm. "It is nice to meet you, Jinwoo-oppa. Thank you for showing me to my brother's dorm."


"It's no problem. I hope I see you around." He walks into his dorm.  


I knock on the door to the dorm and wait for an answer. I enter after hearing some tell me to enter. I look around the room and see two people – neither one is my brother. 


"Did you order a girl?" The one on the top bunks asks. 


"No, did you?"


"Yeah, that's why I asked you."


"H-hello, I'm here to visit Ji-seok-oppa," I stutter out. I find this loose string in my sweater's sleeve and play with it as I stare at the ground. 


"Which one do you think she is?" The one on the bottom bunk wonders. 


"She has the same nose as him, she must be his sister. If it isn't then I will feel stupid and bad."


I glance up at them. "I'm Woo Jia. Where's my brother?" I mumble. 


"Ji-seok went somewhere," top bunk says. 


"I think he went to find you,” bottom bunk adds. 

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heilig #1
Chapter 6: I wonder what'll happen
heilig #2
Chapter 1: keep up the good work!
WooJia23 #3
I found this because of the name "Woo Jia" (my name is Woo Jia too lol) so I thought I should read this xD Hope it will be good :)
zeeee99 #4
Chapter 1: A nice start.Im excited to read this
Chapter 16: cool story!
Chapter 33: What did Zico said to Mino? and I can't wait for the date in the next chapter~
Chapter 32: Ah they really just study. I'll wait for the date,, :)
Chapter 31: omg this family is so funny ??I just have one brother and I think he is enough ?
Chapter 29: Omg I love this story, now is the time to find out what happen to Mino's family?
Chapter 28: I need another chapter~
But thanks for the update Author-nim