King of Gods

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Don't you ever feel as if your a small minor detail in a plot bigger then you could imagine. That there was a greater authority looking down on you. Watching you, until it was time to set the plan in motion.


Don't you ever feel as if your a small minor detail in a plot bigger then you could imagine. That there was a greater authority looking down on you. Watching you, until it was time to set the plan in motion.

" You will not win this battle. I am her creator and you are just a puppet. She will follow me until the ends of time. Nothing here will satisfy the need she has for me and that will never change. So, I suggest you stay out of my way."
King of Gods will be updated late tonight- make sure to comment or upvote!


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CezzaC #1
Chapter 1: OooOOooo, this is good! Nice writing style, already developed characters and an addictive plot line = an absolute gem to read x
Keep it up!
Experience230 #2
I really like this story. I hope you continue. I want to know what Luna's relationship with ot12 is like seriously.