The girl I love


Will this saida couple last or will sana end with someone else. Dahyun is always at sana's side or will Momo end that?


This day can't get any worse says Dahyun as she gets up from falling.  Sorry says a beautiful girl at Dahyun's side. She helps her up but to end up biting Dahyun's neck who is she Dahyun  asks her self. Why is she doing this she says to her self.


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Anime_ffffan #1
Chapter 2: Thanks stay in tone I'll upload mor and longer to check my other one out to
Anime_ffffan #2
No one*
Anime_ffffan #3
Lol you seem cool thanks for reading thought books will read it agiooo
Anime_ffffan #4
Promise have it done by today
Anime_ffffan #5
Srry had do delete sister had my phone have to do it all over ahhhhh