Unlikely Heroes


What happens when a hunter, named Seolmi, who kills monsters for a living stumbles upon a group of monsters who claim to be good? Are there such things as good monsters? Can she trust them with? Is she willing to let go of everything she ever believed in for these unlikely heroes?


LOOOOOL ok so here's what's up: I came to write this fic because my summer job is really uneventful and I often find myself bored out of my mind since I have nothing to do. #GetPaidToDoNothing But then I thought, why not get back to writing fics? I know the last time I wrote a fanfic was three years ago in 2014 but I wholeheartedly believe this site is a great outlet for all writers with too much time on their hand. I'm most likely rusty on my writing since I haven't written in so long but this fanfic is not made to be taken so seriously. This story is like... a crack fic but not because there's a legitamate plot going on. I was oringinally planning on doing a small "character introduction" section in my description above but then decided against it because I think it's a better idea to reveal details about the characters as the story goes along.

So here goes nothing! Hope you enjoy and make sure to leave comments!!!! I must know what you guys are thinking while reading this absolutely ridiculous fic. Hehe ttyl 


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