The Last Killing

Devil's Retribution

The days were slowly creeping up on them. Despite the inevitable date, the thirteen of them tried to enjoy what time was left, to the fullest. Even though they were contained mostly in the two floored cafe, they found themselves rarely bored.


Within the past few days, Joshua had felt himself open up to the other people. In a way, they were similar to Jeonghan, and most if not all of them were more understanding than him. At least none of them had pointed a gun at his head.


Wonwoo and Chan were both healing at astounding rates. Chan’s injured leg, which he thought would bug him for another month, had made incredible process. So much so, that he predicted he would be able to participate on the day of the plan. Wonwoo on the other hand, while not healing as quickly as Chan, was still making good progress. And they had been over it already, he was joining no matter what.


Those days before the plan were so utterly innocent. Regular days that seemed to hold no meaning, but in their eyes, those were the days of preparation. Whilst resting, Chan spent a tremendous amount of time creating bombs and dividing supplies amongst them. Seungcheol, Minghao, Jun, and Jeonghan spent many nights awake, discussing their course of action.


“Like all the other years, there will a section at the beginning of the dinner where the boss will go up to the front and make a speech,” Jeonghan pointed to blueprints on the table, “once he’s up there, we should start the plan.”


“There are ten tables in that hall, five members at each table. There will also be servers, chefs,” Jun pointed out, “we shouldn’t hurt any of them.”


“We’ll be mostly spread out, knowing the boss,” Seungcheol crossed his arms, “but he’ll definitely leave partners together at the same table.”


Minghao’s mind raced, “If it’s like that, Jun and I will be at one table. Wonwoo and Mingyu at another. You and Woozi at another. Dokyeom, Hoshi, Hansol, and Seungkwan will almost take up a whole table by yourselves. Jeonghan, you and Chan will most likely be sitting by yourselves.”


“It’s likely that two of our pairs may be in the same table. Or Chan and Jeonghan may be sitting with two of us as well.” Jun added, “The arrangements for the dinner will be random, I doubt we’ll know until the day of.”


“Once the boss gets to the front, we’ll need to throw out some gas bombs, that’s the easiest way for us to get through all the people.” Jeonghan explained, “For that, we’ll need masks.”


“I’m sure Chan has enough in his bag of crap. Once the gas spreads, it’ll be easy enough to incapacitate the men. Jeonghan you just need to head directly for the boss. The moment you kill him, you need to signal us. Once we know he’s dead, we need to retreat.” Seungcheol instructed.


“Minghao, you need to know that your role will be a little different,” Jeonghan turned his head to look at the latter. “You’ll be fighting the men just like everyone, however, you need to keep an eye on everyone in the room. If things go South, you need to shoot without hesitation. Do you understand?” Jeonghan’s eyes flashed with seriousness.


Minghao swallowed, “Of course I know that. I’ll kill anyone as long as we can live.” His words brought a small silence between them.


“Look, I know that you all want to stay alive, and trust me, I don’t want any of us dying either if it were possible. However, we all got into this knowing our chances of surviving were small. Let’s get it over with.” Seungcheol said, wrapping up their small meeting.


“It’s getting late, we should all get some sleep if we want to have any strength at all.” With that, the four of them exited the small room and made their way back to the other’s.


Without them realising, the moon had risen high in the sky and the other’s had fallen asleep. In Seungcheol and Woozi’s cafe, there were only two beds, so all the blankets and sleeping bags had been pulled from the cabinets and laid onto the floor. It was quite amazing how they fit thirteen of them into the two bedrooms.


In one room, Wonwoo rested on the bed, Mingyu snuggled beside him. And in the other, Chan slept, somehow also fitting Seungkwan, Hoshi, and Dokyeom on same bed. Jeonghan’s eyes wandered directly to Joshua’s figure on the floor. His body was half covered with a blanket and his chest moved up and down evenly.


He’s asleep.


Jeonghan made his way around the other boys littered on the floor till he reached Joshua. Silently, he laid down on the empty ground next to Joshua, pulling the blanket over Joshua and then himself. Thankfully, Joshua did not wake and Jeonghan spent a good while looking at Joshua’s unconscious face.


After all the chaos that had ensued during the past days, Jeonghan predicted that Joshua hadn’t been able to sleep well. It was obvious that this plan was weighing heavily in his mind as well. Hard as it was for him to admit, Jeonghan was extremely worried for him.


Jeonghan reached forward and gently brushed Joshua’s hair out of his face. The moonlight coming in from the window radiated gently onto his face. Jeonghan felt his face grow hot. As hard as it was was for him to admit, he loved Joshua. Maybe too much for his own good.




His eyes opened wide as he realised that Joshua was now conscious. “H-hey…” He whispered.


Joshua scooted himself silently closer to Jeonghan’s body. He could feel the warmth radiating from his body. “How was the meeting?”


Jeonghan closed his eyes, realising that seeing wasn’t important anymore, “Everything's been planned out. Now, we just have to go through with it.”


When Jeonghan opened his eyes again, he noticed that Joshua’s eyebrows were knitted and his teeth were biting down on his lower lip.


“Joshua… what’s wrong?”


“Do you really have to kill that man?” Joshua felt his emotions bubbling up inside of him, “I mean… I know you do, but, I don’t want you to.” Underneath the sheets, Joshua’s fingers had curled into fists, and he was resisting tremendously to not let tears build in his eyes.


Jeonghan exhaled slowly, “Joshua,” He reached his hand to Joshua’s face, “I know. I know you don’t like me killing, but this man, he won’t stop until he’s dead. If I don’t kill him, so many more will die. None of us will truly be free.” He whispered as loud as whispering could allow, “Before I had met you, killing had never been a problem for me. But now, even when I hold the gun, I feel guilty. It’s all because I met you.”


That was the last straw. Jeonghan watched as Joshua opened his eyes - his dull eyes beginning to fill with tears.


“Then,” Joshua took a quick breath, “let me come with you guys.”


“What?” Jeonghan’s hand twitched away from Joshua’s face, “What are you talking about Joshua? You can’t come, you’ll be killed.”


They had already discussed this before. Joshua was to stay inside the cafe until they arrived back home. He had agreed to this. Why was he changing his mind now?


“At least let me stay in the car,” Joshua urged, the tears spilling down his eyes onto the pillows. “I need to hear your voice, I need to hear their voices as well. Even if I can’t help, I can hold people’s wounds on the way back. Please,” Joshua enunciated, “let me go.”


In Joshua’s eyes, Jeonghan saw a fire burning he had never noticed before. Or maybe, that fire hadn’t always been there.


Neither of them spoke, and in the silence they could hear the even breathing of the other’s in the room. “If you come, you must stay hidden in the car, you can’t come out. Even if you see us get hurt, you must never come out of the car.”


Joshua’s eyes widened, then closed again. “Thank you, Jeonghan.” He moved his body closer until his head was nestled on Jeonghan’s chest. Jeonghan’s body was warm, and Joshua swore he could hear Jeonghan’s heart beating. Racing.


“I love you.” Joshua mumbled against the fabric of Jeonghan’s shirt. He felt his heartbeat pick up. He heard Jeonghan’s pick up as well. He became warmer, and so did Jeonghan.


“I love you too.”




The clock striked 6:30 PM. Half an hour till the dinner started. Half an hour till their mission started. Half an hour before it would all be over.


“Everyone has their guns, bombs?” Seungcheol asked as he buttoned up his dress shirt. The thirteen of them were all dressing for the dinner. Ironic that they were dressing in suits for a death mission.


“All cars will leave in three minute intervals of each other,” Hoshi instructed, “we don’t want anyone catching on before the real deal.”


After  Mingyu had changed into his shirt, he went over to the bed and helped Wonwoo button up his shirt. From Jeonghan’s view, he could see the fresh bandages on Wonwoo’s stomach.


“How are you feeling, Wonwoo?” Woozi eyed the pair, “Any better?”


Wonwoo winced as he stood up from the bed, “I might need a few painkillers before we leave, but I’ll manage.” He smirked with that same confidence he always had.


“Chan, what about you?” Jun asked the moment the boy entered the room.


Chan was walking without crutches, he barely even seemed injured despite the small limp in his leg, “I’m good to go.”


Jeonghan’s gaze returned to Joshua - the boy leaning against the wall, unmoving, as though he were in deep thought.




Joshua twitched as he felt a hand reach for his own, the grip tight, but comforting. “Yes?”


“Let’s go.”




The drive there was incredibly long and unbearable. Neither Joshua nor Jeonghan spoke during the whole ride. At times, Joshua felt afraid for his life as Jeonghan sped up past the speed limit. The moment Jeonghan slowed the car down and went over a speed bump, Joshua felt his heart sink. He didn’t know what he had been expecting, the car was going to get there eventually. No matter how much he prayed, Joshua knew that they were going through with the plan.


Joshua felt his heart pounding as Jeonghan parked the car. Then the engine was off and they were enveloped in silence.




“Yeah?” Joshua turned his head to Jeonghan’s direction.


“This,” Jeonghan reached for Joshua’s hand and placed something within it, it didn’t take him long to realise what it was. “I’m leaving it here with you for emergencies only. I don’t want you to use it. You shouldn’t have to use it,” Jeonghan sighed, “if you get in trouble, and we’re not here for you, use it. Please…”


Joshua held the gun with wavering hands, “I understand.” His head lowered.




The moment Joshua lifted his head to address Jeonghan he felt a pair of lips touch his. Then they were gone, all that was left was the tingling feeling of a kiss.


“Wait for me.”


Before Joshua could muster any words to his mind, he heard the car door open and close. There was the sound of the car locking. He was alone now.


Joshua gripped the gun tightly in his hands. He was sitting here alone while the others were going to fight a war.


Suddenly, Joshua heard the rap of knuckles against the glass of the car door.


“Jeong-” Joshua started but stopped, his whole body turning rigid. Why was Jeonghan coming back? Why was he knocking?


Joshua’s finger slipped onto the trigger of his gun. It wasn’t Jeonghan.


“Well, what do we have here?”




Jeonghan acted as icy and crude as he always was. Instead of greeting some of his colleagues, or nodding his head or bowing, he simply sat down in his seat. At his table, sat Mingyu and Wonwoo, but Jeonghan didn’t even meet their glances. Instead, he decided to mind his time twirling the metal cutlery on the table.


Slowly, more and more people filled the hall, the room got loud with chatter. Jeonghan watched from the corner of his eyes, counting the people at the tables. As they had predicted, all of the partners were sitting at the same table.


The clock striked 7:00 PM.


Everyone had taken their seats, and in the sliver of silence, heads turned to see the boss at the entrance. He was wearing the same clothes he always wore, the same expression he always expressed. Silence ensued as he walked past the tables. Almost silence, anyways.


Jeonghan continued to twirl the metal knife in his fingers, the metal making a clink sound as it hit his fingernails.


If it were anyone else, they’d probably have been shot by now. But he wasn’t just anyone. The corner of Jeonghan’s lips rose. He was aware of his position, and he enjoyed it.


Their boss had made his way to the front of the hall, he stood up on a small stand that was elevated slightly.


Three… two… one.


At that exact second, the thirteen of them of them reached within their suits and pulled out a gas bomb. Discreetly and silently, they pulled the trigger and dropped them onto the floor. All thirteen gas bombs became to leak green fumes as they rolled on the floor of the hall.


Immediately, chaos broke. The gas began to fill everyone’s vision and coughing was heard throughout the room. The thirteen of them pulled out their masks and raced into action. Grunts and yells were heard along with the occasional gunshot. Jeonghan didn’t have time to worry about them.


Running through the gas, Jeonghan reached the front of the hall. He heard the coughing of a single man. It’s him.


Suddenly, Jeonghan felt himself at a loss for air and his body fell forward. ! Jeonghan pulled out his gun and pointed it upwards to his attacker. The man was holding a handkerchief to his nose and mouth, his eyes tearing from the burn of the gas.


He knew it was over. Jeonghan pulled the trigger and watched as the man’s arm exploded with red and he fell to the floor. He wasn’t going to kill that man. He only wanted to kill one more person. Him.


But Jeonghan didn’t know what fate had in store for him. Im Chae Dong, was the last person Jeonghan would ever kill.


Jeonghan scrambled to his feet and approached his boss. It took only seconds before his boss froze, a gun pointed at his temple.


The gas was beginning to clear and Jeonghan tore off his mask. He winced at the horrible stench that filled his nose and made his eyes sting.


“It’s over,” Jeonghan said as he cocked the gun.


His boss smiled cruelly, “It’s not over until you pull the trigger, Jeonghan.”




Joshua felt his breath grow ragged. He collapsed onto the floor in disgust. He had shot him. Shot the man in the leg and listened as he scrambled and ran away from Joshua. Joshua’s fingers trembled and the gun fell from his grip.


What did I just do?


From the distance, Joshua could hear the sounds of gunshots, yelling, shouting, explosions. They were surely fighting now. Joshua pulled himself to his feet, picking up the gun. It’s fine. Joshua reached for the car door. They’ll be fine. I just need to wait… The gun in Joshua’s hand didn’t feel so foreign anymore. Maybe…


Joshua opened his eyes and began wandering to the building. This is the only way.




“Jeonghan! Shoot him, now!” Jun called after landing a punch on a man.


Jeonghan’s eyes did not waver from his boss. “Any last words?”


His boss strangely, started laughing. A strange, mangled laughter that sent shivers down Jeonghan’s spine. “You can’t kill me. Not anymore.”


Jeonghan’s eyes widened. What was he talking about? Jeonghan’s heart raced as his finger rested on the trigger. Suddenly, Jeonghan could hear Joshua’s voice.


“Do you really have to kill that man?”


His felt his determination waver. At that moment, Jeonghan wasn’t so sure he could kill the man. He wasn’t so sure anymore.




Joshua followed the sound of chaos. He heard the voices grow louder and his pace quickened. He turned the corner and entered a room. All of the sudden, a horrible stench filled his nostrils and he felt like choking. Gas… He was inside the hall now.


He opened the eyes to an immense darkness. Joshua’s heart wavered. He had never seen such darkness before. An aura so dark that it made him queasy. That had to be him. The boss.


Joshua walked quickly, evading the people around him fighting, the tables, and the bodies littered on the floor. As Joshua came closer to the darkness, he saw a speck of light beside it. Joshua was right in front of the aura now.






“Huh?” Jeonghan turned his head ever so rigidly. No way. Jeonghan felt his stomach churn. Standing at the bottom of the stand, was Joshua. “What are you-”




Jeonghan’s eyes widened as a body crumpled to the floor. His gun was now pointed into emptiness. His eyes were now back on Joshua. His eyes were open, his two hands trembling, a gun pointed in midair.




“The boss is dead!” “Let’s get out of here!” “Retreat!”


Jeonghan felt like throwing up. “Joshua… what have you done?”




“Joshua, it was you that shot the boss!?” Seungkwan exclaimed in disbelief.


The thirteen of them had all arrived back at the cafe. Many of them had small injuries, but miraculously, no one was dead.


“Wait, then Jeonghan, you didn’t kill him?” Seungcheol’s eyes were wide, similarly to everyone else in the room besides the two.


“No.” Jeonghan’s hair had covered his eyes and his body shook with fear and anger. “Joshua, why did you do it? Why were you even there? What did you think you were doing? You could’ve been killed! Do you even know what you’ve done? Every single man in that building will searching for you! They won’t stop until they kill-”


“Jeonghan,” Joshua’s eyes were open at staring directly at Jeonghan. “It’s fine.” Joshua walked closer to Jeonghan and brushed the hair from Jeonghan’s eyes. “It’s fine.”


Jeonghan felt his eyes sting, he wasn’t sure if it was from the remnants of gas or from the tears that were forming in his eyes. “I never should've let you come with us.”


Joshua leaned in and laid a small kiss on Jeonghan’s cheek, “I was prepared to do this from the beginning. From the moment I stepped in your house, I was prepared to kill for you.”


Looking into Joshua’s dull eyes, Jeonghan saw a glint within them that he had never noticed before. It was over.


The war was over.

A/N: Hey guys ^^ Sorry this chapter was a little longer, but I guess finale's must always be long ^^"" This Saturday will be the last chapter, it's been a wild ride, this fic. I hope you all enjoyed reading it, it was a pleasure for me to write. Till Saturday, you beautiful people ^^

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Finale date will be August 26th if things go smoothly ^^ Ready for things to get dramatic?


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Robert_Simon #1
Chapter 14: I was surprised when they were calling Joshua who's that kid? I was like guys he's older than all of you. Even chan called him kid 😂😂 anyways the story was dope seriously. A huge round of applause to the author nim. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PROVIDING US WITH SUCH CONTENT.
veroniihoe #2
Chapter 14: 2020.. I love this! ❤❤
Chapter 14: I couldn’t stop reading! I didn’t even have time to read the comments and I love every word of your story! Thank you so much
nararahanibi #4
I felt betrayed that Wonwoo told the boss about Joshua, but he got punished for it and he apologized already.
Thank you for this story!
Chapter 14: i finally come back from all the travels for seventeen na tour and i see this story complete ㅠㅠㅠ
i'm so so glad this has a happy ending even tho i didn't really expect joshua's final move;;
thank you so much author-nim for this amazing story!! i loved it so so much;; usually don't click on anything tagged angst, but i'm so glad i opened this story!
Chapter 14: Happy end! XD
I'm glad chan go back to school. Hopefully he wont blow up the school. Lmao XD
Chapter 14: how cute :) thank you for keeping us constantly updated, this story was really nice
kairismatic #8
kairismatic #9
Chapter 14: Love this story \(^^)/ ♥