HEVN: The Sleeping Rose and The Time God


Title: HEVN: The Sleeping Rose and The Time God

Word Count: 1,813

Genre: Fluff(?), a little bit of Angst(?)

Pairings: GD x T.O.P, Dara x CL (if you squint)

Warnings: OOCness(??????) (I'm not much of a BigBang fan so...)


Another one-shot for my HEVN series featuring GDxTOP with mentioned DaraxCL (IDK these two ships' ship names. Please don't kill me.)

Disclaimer: I don't own BigBang and the song lyrics. Only the plot.



Kwon Jiyong used to be worshipped as the Red Dragon. Oral retellings of his story tell of his might and temper. He was not easily provoked, no, but he was willing to go to any lengths to destroy anyone and anything on his path of destruction once his patience disappears. One story in particular tells of how he burned an entire country for harming his beloved. These stories, over time, were treated as myths then legends then fairy tales. No one would ever know how one day, the Red Dragon disappeared and the sleeping Rose Prince emerged.


Choi Seunghyun is one Gods of Time and one of the elders, as well. Once, mortals knew who and what he was. They scorned him for it. Exiled him. Maltreated him. Until their country was burnt to the ground in one single breath of a shimmering blood red dragon. Survivors would then tell of how the Time God shouted at the Red Dragon to stop. Over time, these stories would never be heard again.


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