

"How I wish I was the reason behind her smile....but I know where to stand and keeping this stupid feeling for myself. I shouldn't have a feeling like this towards her, because in the end......I will end up hurting."


H​​​​​i everyone~ this is my first time writing this story on AFF, usually I will just reading the story here. Pardon my english since it isn't my first languange. 

Anyway, an idea came up to my mind after dispatch revealed the old photos about Sooyoung and her boyfriend, my first reaction was "What ?!!" and my soosun's heart was breaking into pieces like omg SooSun is one of my favorite couple !!! But that's the sad reality :( I shouldn't feel like that right ? Because who am I ? Just a fan that is so faraway from them, but seeing her happy, I should be happy too right ? 

Ok then, here we go~


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Chapter 1: Aduh. Sakit.

Btw gapapa ya, komen pakai Indo? Aku gak jago Inggris, hehe.

Tapi beneran. Kerasa bitter-nya fanfic ini. Dan sad endingnya nohok. Aku nangis, percaya, gak? Tapi ya gimana. Hidup terus berjalan dan aku gak bisa diem mikirin SooSun. Oke. Maaf cuman segitu. Aku mau lanjut nangis, Kak.

Makasih untuk fanfic SooSun yang ngena ini. Love it.
Yep I miss them too that is why I'm trying to put my emotions here. Anyway, thanks for reading and comment on my story as well ^_^
Chapter 1: Nooo Sunny :((( why did you had to die

Thank you so much for writting a SooSun centric fic :) they're so rare nowadays. And I totally get what you mean, (about Sooyoung dating him, but hey, thats how life is ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯ even tho I really miss SooSun ;;)