Her Kind of Bad Boy (TWO-SHOT)


Kim Hanbin promised himself that if he falls in love, he'll love that person like a bad boy. But nothing will work out for him, because he simply wasn't that guy. How will he ever get the message across that he always liked a certain woman, while being the bad boy at the same time?


In which Kim Hanbin pretends to be some badass but miserably fails.

note: the one-shot supposed to be followed by Attention, My Boy! with my writing spree last year. A year later, iKON's back and I remembered this plot. This was based from some iKON profile about B.I. that he wanted to be a bad boy or smth but a member commented that he was the type to give his all. Lol. Enjoy!


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AniraKae #1
Chapter 2: ??? this could actually be true, who knows

I’m hurting, don’t touch me

my BiHi heaaaarttttt
aradia10 #2
Chapter 2: lindo lindo :)
tyasra #3
Chapter 2: Sequel pleaseeeee ♥ I really love this story
Chapter 2: wahhh i wish i can start dating as easily as kissing :(
Chapter 2: oh my god , even before the story beginning i cracked with your few foreword words . it was really funny and entertaining read . thank you , laughed really hard through the read . so , so cute . please do write childish hanhi more
Chapter 2: Cuteeeee, hanbin pabo
fitriyannii #7
Chapter 2: It was so cute and yes I want the sequel pleaseee
Good lord! I'm in love with this one shot. Crap. I don't even know where to begin. I agree with bussyasbee that we should call Hanbin dumbin. Lmfao. I can't believe he is so slow! Damn.

Hayi shouldn't have beat around the bush and told him straight out that she liked him. That way, they would had been able to spend some quality time together during the trip.

I laughed my off when Hanbin thought he was dead and was saying his good bye's to s. I also thought it was so sweet, scary, and brave of him to rescue Hayi when he couldn't swim himself. Now, that is true love! I wish there was a man that would risk his life for me like that.

You did an awesome job with this fanfic and I can't wait to read more of HanHi stories from you. I was very upset to know that Hanbin though Sana (from Twice) was cute. If anything, I wish he would have said he thought Hayi was cute. Oh well. I'm pretty sure in reality they don't have feelings for each other. :D
Chapter 2: okay reading this make me believe that hanbin actually a dumbin kekekeke~ its potray his character so much. With those oblivious act if its come to a love story and girls.

You really need to make sequel anyway. Want that papa YG reaction!!
Chapter 1: Dang! This makes me want to start #prayforhanbinsimage hashtag :'D