The Commitment


In 2042, the public's fairytale couple, Park Chanyeol and Park (Byun) Baekhyun discovered one truth about marriage : 'Love' alone isn't enough. The once magical believe is counting down to deminshing, and it left everyone wonders, how come 20 years of marriage isn't enough to save whatever should be saved, resulting the decision towards feared term : divorce? What have might gone wrong? Why? How? And most importantly, why now?

"I vowed in front of God, people and you that I'm taking you until the death do us apart"

"I vowed the same, darling, but I just realized on something, what if the 'death' was created by ourselves?"



May 2017


South Korea, 2042

“I wanted a divorce, Chanyeol.”

Both were silenced, letting the undeniable heavy breathing followed, dancing freely in the air.

The picture hanging by the wall witnessed how tensed the atmosphere was, but remained silent, the picture on which Baekhyun smiled from ear to ear as Chanyeol goofily smiled. A golden memories aged 20 years, far from 2022, and now has been aging along with both of them.

The breakfast between their faces remained still, even the milk drop stayed firm, as if rejecting any movement, afraid to break the situation even worse.

The taller and slightly younger men presented calmly, but both of them knew too well, they had lost the translation of ‘fine’, at least for that moment. With a slight throat clearing sound, he responded weakly,

“Baekhyun, I thought you might have already realized this as well, and I don’t see the point of hiding this any longer either. I’ve been thinking the same case as what you have just mentioned, for a while.”

“Then why didn’t you just spit it clearly to my face, ‘Let’s divorce, Baekhyun’ ? Isn’t it what you’ve always done, acting without thinking?”

“We’ve been married for 20 years, Baekhyun, how am I supposed to respond on that funny-and-too-sudden force?”

Both  continued their argument, completely engulfed in it, didn’t even realized the once intense knocking on the door had long gone completely into silence, leaving only wedding invitation sat alone, still by the corner of the front floor, written

‘Dokjun Park and Zhuyi Oh request the honour of your pressence on their wedding day’


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