

If life can be likened to a road, Joonmyun wants to get off the pavement and sit in the grass. The hairpin turns and rolling hills and sudden bridge collapses are keeping him awake at night and wearing him down.


I'm so sorry for your loss...

He nods and smiles a little, bowing to each well-wisher and accepting the varying degrees of grief. To his right, his oldest brother Minseok matches his polite stoicism, although there's a hint of pink to the edges of his eyes. For all his life, Joonmyun can't recall a single instance Minseok cried for anything except laughing too hard. He's always been an ideal role model of older brother role models, looking after his siblings without being asked and often putting their well-being and needs and wants before his own but never sacrificing himself. Somehow, he's tapped into otherworldly knowledge that's kept him balanced for as long as Joonmyun can remember, and he's jealous.


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