Hotel Guest


In which Moonbyul is staying at a hotel, and her boredom leads to some entertaining results. Needless to say, Solar is highly amused.


Inspired by: [link]

Quick one-shot, wrote it in the middle of the night and then posting it today.


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sisilchoi #1
Chapter 1: WHY- THIS IS SO CUTE! thanks for making this story an exists! Love you so much author-nim! Keep the hardwork!
Wasp16 #2
Chapter 1: Awesome interpretation of UOAY
Chapter 1: woah! you really never fail me authornim! thanks <3
Chapter 1: woah! you really never fail me authornim! thanks <3
oxyjennie #5
Chapter 1: THIS IS SO CUTE
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 1: Wow, this is amazing!!
Them making sculptures and leaving notes without really knowing who the other was was so cute!! :3
Was thinking they could have exchanged numbers but I guess the 1 year wait filled with longing makes everything more worthwhile. Hehe~~
Love this so much!
Chapter 1: Ohhhkaaaay. That was.. AWESOME. Dude, i'm internally squealing with joy!! I love this. What a nice one shot. :">
littleflyingcow #8
Chapter 1: Um oh ah yeah. Loved it.
esined-rm #9
Chapter 1: Wow nice. But one year away from each other. Seems like a yearly affair no? Haha.