Teaching Her to Trust Again

Through his eyes
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(Did anyone see what I did in the last chapter? One of my friends said that one of my stories would be a fantastic drama....... also look out for another drama inspired by a story by yshinnoona in this chapter :)

Jinnie walked into Beautiful Coffee and sighed heavily. Celeste walked over to him and led him to a table.

“You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, Jinnie”, she said as they both sat down. He had the same look on his face that Charlotte had when she’d been in for coffee.

He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair, “Just a long day, Celly. How are you doing?”, he smiled at her.

She wondered what had happened that both of them looked so glum, but she couldn’t just ask him because Hyesung had swore her to secrecy after he told her about the woman that Jinnie liked. Maggie had been busy with the move and they hadn’t talked in a few days. Maybe she should go by and talk to her tonight. They needed to come up with a plan to get Jinnie and this woman Charlotte together. She hated to see her friend upset.

“Just the usual. The morning rush as was crazy and one of my baristas called in sick. We got through it though. Can I get you a cup of coffee, Jinnie?”, she stood and walked back behind the counter and filled a cup with the new flavor, added the exact amount of cream and sugar that Jinnie liked and brought it back to him. He took a sip and smiled at her.

“Hey, is this new? It’s really good”, his face relaxed a little and they chatted about the wedding plans. They had decided that a private wedding would be the best way to go. Kaye and Maggie would be her bridesmaids and of course the rest of Shinhwa would stand with Hyesung. They parted ways with a hug and Jinnie headed back to the studio and tried to concentrate on the choreography for the title track of his upcoming album. When it was time for her lunch break, Celeste checked her phone and saw that she had a missed call from Kaye. She checked her voice mail and listened to the message from her friend.

“He’s miserable, Celly. They ran into each other at the dance studio and he called me after she left, I was dead asleep and I only answered because never calls in the middle of my night like. She’s got a lot of ex drama, no wonder she’s afraid to get into an relationship, poor thing. Jinnie is going to have to work hard to get her to trust him. Do I need to make a special trip out there to help you guys deal with stuff? I’m sure Eric wouldn’t mind seeing me. Anyway, if you don’t need me right now, I’ll see you in a few weeks when I come for the dress fitting. I’m going back to sleep now…. with my phone on silent. Do not call me when you check this, I’ll be fast asleep. Love ya, Celly”

Celeste sighed as she hung up her phone. Well, that explained the glum looks on their faces. She texted Hyesung and told him to pick her up at the cafe when she was done for the day. Her next text went to Maggie; she told her to expect them for dinner and to start thinking of ways to help Jinnie get Charlotte. Luckily Jinnie trusted Kaye with all his secrets, otherwise they wouldn’t have any idea why Charlotte was so reluctant.

Later that day

Charlotte sat on her couch at home and tried to grade some of the worksheets from her class at the community center.

Jacob came over and sat beside here and stared at her until she put her pen down and looked at him.

“Can we go for a walk? Tiffany is taking a nap and I’m bored”, he flopped back against the couch and sighed over-dramatically.

Charlotte smiled as she rolled her eyes and set her stuff on the coffee table, “Just for a while. I’ve got to get those papers graded before dinner”, she said and got up and slipped her shoes on. She had changed clothes after breakfast and had on one of her favorite sundresses. Jacob had picked out his own clothes and went to get his shoes out of his room and came back with a handful of Legos. Charlotte laughed as he ran over and slipped them into the pocket of her dress. She slipped her phone and wallet into the other pocket and headed out after she left a note on the coffee table for her cousin. They took the stairs down and when they walked outside it seemed that everyone had thought it was a nice day for a walk. They passed many of their neighbors and as they walked, Jacob reached into her pocket and got his Legos and built as they walked. They passed the ice cream shop and Jacob looked at it wistfully.

“Maybe we will stop on the way back”, Charlotte said with a smile and her son skipped ahead happily. She watched his blonde head bob in the crowd. She only looked into a shop window for a second but when she looked up, she didn’t see Jacob anywhere.

“Jacob? Where are you? There’s too many people out here to play games”, she called out cheerfully but he didn’t pop up and laugh. She walked along and called his name out over and over and was about to panic when she heard his voice.

“And this is rocket ship. Not a real one of course because it’s too small for people”, he told someone excitedly. She pushed past a few people and sighed in relief when she saw him. He stood in front of Beautiful Coffee with Celeste, who was busy as she wiped down the tables that she had set on the sidewalk to take advantage of the nice weather. She ran and stopped beside him.

“You’re not supposed to do that, baby”, she said and he looked up at her.

“I was just showing her my Legos. You walk too slow, mom”, he explained carefully like she was the child. She gripped his shoulder gently and pulled him to her for a hug, “You still need to wait for me. I was worried about you.” He looked up at her with his sky blue eyes and nodded.

“Yes, mama, I’ll be more careful next time. I didn’t mean to scare you”, he said and wrapped his arms around her legs and hugged them.

“I bet he’s a handful”, Celeste said with a smile at the mother and child in front of her.

“Well, I guess I’m lucky he ran into you”, Charlotte smiled back her, relieved, but also nervous now that she knew who Celeste was. She wiped her sweaty palms on the front of her dress.

“He was just so excited and I figured he belonged to someone nearby so I figured if I could hold his attention, his parents would find him soon”, Celeste said and gave the table one last wipe, “Why don’t you guys come in and get a cold drink”, she said and saw Jacob’s face light up, “my treat of course.”

“Please mom?”, Jacob asked and pulled away, “Do you have milkshakes?”, he looked up at Celeste and smiled at her.

“I can make you any drink you want. But only if it’s okay with your mom”, Celeste said and noticed the tenses in Charlotte’s small frame. Charlotte looked from her son to the woman beside him.

“I suppose, just promise you will eat all your dinner later”, she said and laughed at the joy on Jacob’s face.

“Can you do chocolate? Strawberry? Strawberry blueberry? Vanilla? Vanilla with blueberries?”, he asked Celeste without a breath between each option.

“Well, why don’t we go in and find out”, she slipped her arm around Jacob’s shoulder and led him into the cafe, with Charlotte a step or two behind them. She watched as Jacob and Charlotte went behind the counter and looked at all the different fruits and flavorings that she had and after a very intense internal debate, evidenced by the furrow in Jacob’s brow, he chose strawberry chocolate and watched as Celeste put the ice cream, fruit, milk, and chocolate syrup into the blender and watched it blend into a thick creamy shake. Celeste gave him a small cup of it with a lid and a wide straw.

“Thank you……. hey what’s your name? I’m Jacob and I’m six years old”, he said and put his free hand out. Celeste let a laugh bubble out before she shook his hand and answered.

“You’re welcome. And my name is Celeste Shea and can’t tell you how old I am because I can’t remember”, she said with a little wink.

“It’s okay if you don’t remember”, Jacob said with the seriousness that little kids are known for, “I don’t remember lots of things sometimes.” he took his drink and went to sit down at a table by the window so he could watch the people on the sidewalk pass by; now that he had his drink he was silent.

Charlotte and Celeste were left at the counter alone in an awkward silence as Charlotte glanced above the cafe owner’s head at the framed picture then back at her.

“I take it you realized who I am”, Celeste said with a smile, “it’s refreshing to be anonymous….. even if it’s just for a little bit.” Charlotte smiled back at her and nodded.

“I bet things are just hectic right now, getting ready for the wedding”, she said and looked at the menu for a moment before she ordered.

“I’ll just have an ice Americano”, she said and reached into her pocket for her card.

“Hey, this is my treat so put that away”, Celeste admonished her with a smile. Charlotte nodded her head and pulled her away from her pocket.

“And yes, the wedding is keeping me busy. Plus I’m helping my best friend move in with her fiance right now. That’s what I meant when I said my boyfriend thought I was working too hard”, Celeste said as she pulled the shots for the drink, poured it over a cup of ice and added water to the cup, “Did you want any sweetener or cream in it? Or maybe a flavor?”, Celeste asked as she picked up a lid.

“Ummm just some cream and”, she let her eyes scan the bottles of flavors, “I’ll have some caramel flavor, please”, she finished. Celeste added the cream and flavor, popped the lid on and handed it to her with a straw. Celeste quickly made another of the same drink and they went to sit on the couch that was near where Jacob was at.

“Jacob seems like a great kid”, Celeste said as she flopped back and put her feet up on the coffee table in front of the couch. It was slow and she had another barista so she could let herself relax for a while.

“He’s excited to be with me again. The last six months were difficult”, Charlotte took a sip of her drink and smiled as she felt the instant jolt of caffeine.

“Do you mind if I ask why you were separated?”, Celeste asked, not sure if Charlotte would open up right away.

“Oh I just had to deal with some personal stuff before he could join me here”, Charlotte said quietly and glanced over at her son, “he was back in the states with my cousin so he was fine.”

“And his dad?”, Celeste said softly, “I mean, he could have just as easily stayed with him.” She knew she had overstepped a boundary when she saw the woman’s eyes go wide.

Charlotte stared at her, unsure of what to say. She had basically just met the woman and she still felt like she could tell her. It was her easy nature and the fact that she was from the states as well.

“He….. he wasn’t who I thought he was. It’s the reason we divorced and I fought for full custody once I realized he only wanted custody because his new girlfriend wanted kids but couldn’t have them”, Charlotte said softly and looked at her shoes. Celeste just looked at her; no wonder she was s

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Planning to move these into a collection so they are easier for everyone to read all at once :)


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Chapter 34: Ok.. Now I don't want it to end TT can't wait for the one shot.. Have a nice holiday.. :)
Chapter 33: Thank you...!!! For this beautiful story.. Great job..!!
Chapter 33: So sweet
Chapter 32: I know what you're going to say..............

*I am hungry , woman.*
Chapter 30: *giggle giggle*
Chapter 28: Ramen. Ramyun. Rawr . #ouchTheFeels
Chapter 31: Are you sure this is not M rated? I read the update in broad daylight again. And really need ice coffee.. Huff.. I almost forget about the wedding.. Can't wait for next update :)
nthds_123 #8
This is really GOOD!
Chapter 30: I just start reading.. Can you tell me which chapter that Charlotte first came to his place? I skimmed through few chapters, can't find it.
I need an ice water myself.. Next chapter please...