Never Ever!!


Have you wondered the reason behind Jackson absence from Never Ever promotions? He was sick, actually he was love sick.


It was a "one shot" but I got carried away, sorry if it's too long...

I can't control my markson feelings ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙


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seijxh #1
Chapter 2: This is so sweet oh gosh. Great story!!
Chapter 2: I knew bamba. Is markson's lovechild so glad that Bamie put some sense into Mark

And i had a similar plot in my mind when Jackson got sick and then Mark had to leavr for promotions.. It was like markson cold war
Chapter 1: Holy , this hit me in all the feelssss!!! My heart can't take this at this hour on a school night XD
Great job author-nim!!! Keep up the good work ^^