Pink Magic


Magic tricks is what makes him fall in love with her. Pink is what she remembers about him. Together they created and bonded by the PINK MAGIC. This is Z's new one shot featuring Yamaa Tomohisa and Inoue Mao.


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junhartmao #1
so sweet & I like how you had their own POVs......glad they finally got together (^^)
chasethestars #2
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The part where Mao was ignorant about Pi's background reminds me a little of noona's ignorance in "One Day Series" when it comes to her surroundings as well [in the figurative sense] XD And I also understand now why this is entitled "Pink Magic" after reading so props to you for being able to tie in the title with the story! =D Other than that, when I was reading this, it almost felt like reading a script for an SP for the upcoming drama season--you know, the ones that last for an hour and 15 minutes XD;;<br />
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Ah, but I like what I read in this one-shot =D Romance was subtle and done right, I could see the chemistry between Mao and Pi. Ryo calling Pi a "stupid brat" got me chuckling; I don't know much about Ryo but I can picture him really doing that, to be honest XD Pi's awkwardness around Mao and how he's desperate to let his feelings be known is quite endearing since he handles it like a confused, lovestruck guy should and isn't a jerk about it [a.k.a. forcing himself/his feelings on her just because "he couldn't help himself anymore"]. It's quite a breather from the majority of material I've been seeing lately, really.<br />
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Okay, I should stop this is getting too long and I don't know if I'm even making any sense anywhere XD;; But as usual, I'm looking forward to whatever fic you plan on posting again in the future~! ^^
chasethestars #3
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Aww~. <i>Awwww~</i> X3<br />
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I can't stop going "aww" for the life of me, but what else can I say to a fic that extracts that sort of reaction from me? XDD;;<br />
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This is one of those "feel good" fics where heavy drama and angst are absent and recommended for people who are looking for a light read and nothing too complicated. The scenario is simple but also a bit complex at the same time: a love story that spanned years before it arrived at a definite conclusion, and thankfully it was a happy one. I think anyone could relate to Mao and her situation, how she felt cheated because her first kiss was stolen even if it was to the person she likes, and how after all these years her feelings never really disappeared. The same goes to Pi who had his heart stuck in the same place for years, optimistic that they would meet again even if they [temporarily] parted ways. One could say this is a positive take on love, something that is rare to find in a world where everyone is possessed by their cynical sides and hearts have been turned callous, and is quite refreshing to read in fiction =3<br />
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When did you write this? Was this one of the stories you wrote when you first started writing? Because if you compare this to "One Day Series" and some of your SHINee one-shots, I have to say that you have definitely improved by a whole a lot =3 Because in this one-shot, I some scenes were a bit jumpy and could have been developed further by expounding more on them. The appearance of new characters in almost every two scenes or so had me a bit worried because I thought I would have to keep track of them along with the major characters. I'm a bit relieved that wasn't the case but on the flip side, one mustn't use characters as plot devices just to keep the story going ^^;; Unless they play really, really tiny roles, [minor] characters should also be fleshed out to make them more "human" and handled with care like real people ^^
rgpponci #4
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