Couple Liars


Minho has always been known for his excellent academic results in school and Krystal...she's TOP 50...from the BOTTOM.

Krystal, the cute,hyper,stubborn one and Minho, the cool,handsome,hot one, they are the two high-schoolers who have never crossed each other's paths.

But it just so happens, that they were assigned in the same examination hall and worst still, they were assigned to sit NEXT TO EACH OTHER. Of course, knowing that the smartypants was sitting next to her, Krystal, of course, took advantage! So, how would this two end up as a pair?



Krystal Pov

Today's our first paper : Chemistry. I was kind of burning the midnight oil yesterday, and now I'm feeling all groggy and sleepy. Usually, I was hardworking. But look what dramas done to me, eye bags and lack of hyperness.

"Hey Krystal!"

Ahh, my best friend. Amber called out my name and pounced on me, then pointed to a huge piece of paper pinned on the notice board right outside our class. Our examination sitting arrangement. To think I didn't see it.

"Omo, I'm sitting beside smartypants Minho!" And I was too excited and happy that Amber suffered several slaps on her back.

Well, she wouldn't know why I was that happy.

A plan had already formed in my head.


All I need to do was cheat. Since I didn't study, and Minho was just beside me then...I should take advantage of the situation! And I've gotta get good results or Umma's probably going to kill me.

Krystal Jung, get ready.


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m0zarts0nata-- #1

ahahahah xDD nice fic :PP
Lovingtoomany #3
SO CUTE~ kekeke, the game was a bit confusing to me too kekeke >.< update soon~~
minstal!!it's gonna be love.<br />
update please....
love this update!!<br />
looking forward for the next chapter...<br />
hope Krystal would realized what love means...<br />
<br />
Krystal-sshi....just fell for Minho...and you could feel the love..
Kibora #6
love this! really good story! Minstal! :D please, update soon! :)
Kekeke123 #7
yay u updated!!! <3 wonder how the game will go, maybe they'll fall in love in the process keke ~
fickyz #8
Update soon~ <br />
Love this story, fighting...