Ephemeral Crown

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In the land of Ephemerus, five different races coexists among each other. Human loves stability, elves value intelligence, goblins are keen on prosperity, werewolf take pride in their strength, and the wendigos value the dark side. It is currently being ruled by the goblin’s king R.O.P.

Every four years, the five races battle each other in a deadly and bloody match to obtain the Ephemeral Crown. Four individuals per species are chosen to compete in the game to eliminate other players using any methods necessary. The victorious race will be granted rule over Ephemerus for the next four years until a new winner is crowned. Ergo, the players shall stop at nothing but to bring pride to their own race by attaining the Ephemeral Crown.

Who is going to become its next ruler?


(Archive of all the characters and applicants)

Genre: Fantasy, Comedy, Romance, Action, Thriller, A little bit of everything
Warning: There shall be lots of killing (some comedic, some more brutal), No cursing though~

Hi ! 

Welcome to my first attempt at an interactive fantasy/thriller type story where YOU, (name), shall determine what happens next in the story. Once in a while, I will start a poll or do something whereby you can vote off the next character to die, or who should be the killer, etc. You may even suggest scenes as the story goes, as I am sure your lovely suggestion will spark new ideas and inspire more for this impromptu plot. Support your favorite team and kill off the characters you dislike.

Thank you for reading, and enjoy~


Play these games to earn points that can save your favorite characters from death. Readers can play as well to support the ones they like to appear longer in the story.

  • Play the normal games at the end of every chapter
  • Sometimes there are secret games or missions. So mention the smallest detail you notice too~
  • If a character earns 50 points, they can move 3 spaces up the death list
  • If the creator of a certain character does not comment for three chapters, the characters will go down the list. (Faster to die)
  • Games will be invalid when the next chapter is published (Easier for me to keep count of points)
  • Points earned from a game will vanish by the given deadline (will be announced) and cannot be used afterwards


Instagram: @melodyvt / @melodyvt.writes
Facebook: @MelodyThio
Twitter: @MelodyThio

Since everyone had such interesting apps at the beginning, if anyone wants to write a one shot, spinoff, or sequel based on this story, you are more than welcome to do so~ (IF... I shouldn't think that highly of this story, but in case if anyone wanted to. Lololol)


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1301 streak #1
Chapter 27: Finally finish reading this today. I like how with Hoya being a hybrid King, he would bring a change into how the different races are treated. But it makes me wonder if he would get rid of the battle for the Ephemeral Crown since it caused the death of many people including Biah and Yoongi, the people closest to him.
1301 streak #2
Chapter 20: Reading this chapter, I did feel that one of them will betray the group. I kind of thought it would be Jangmun but it turns out to be Jihye.
1301 streak #3
Chapter 10: To be honest, I can't bring myself to feel sorry for Jinah especially since she caused the werewolves to be targeted by the wendigos and she also got Sungjong to kill Nari.
I thought Biah is cute asking what y time is.
1301 streak #4
Chapter 7: I actually thought Taemin would die from the chapter before but it turns out to be someone else that died.
I feel the Wendigo group are the most interesting because I only heard of Wendigos from a game called "Until Dawn" and they were terrifying in there.
I feel bad for Jangmun who is unable to handle the Wendigo lifestyle and that he even resorted to killing just to make sure Namjoon doesn't know about it.
1301 streak #5
Chapter 2: One of my first thoughts after reading this is the story reminds me of "The Hunger Games" in a magical realm setting.
I like the part near the end when King R.O.P. is losing his patience trying to explain the purpose for what all of them will have to do in the game.
Chapter 2: I can't at the crack omgxD This will be interesting :3 but aw, i missed the game thing. what will happen if they killed each other before the game even started tho? : o
Chapter 27: Out of everyone it's shocking to see Hoya win but at the same time it's good. He lost his wife and best friend so he knows better than anyone what it's like to lose a precious one. You want a broken king because then he will be able to connect with his people on a more humane level. Great story overall I hope to see similar concepts from you author-nim in the near future
Chapter 27: OMG IT'S THE END /UGLEY SOBS. Anywayss I'm really super satisfied with the ending... It's about as idealistic as I can imagine, but eh I guess we need some hope in our lives after all the terror we went through with Namjoon LOL. It's nice that despite losing his wife and literally all of his other friends, Hoya still remains as positive as ever. Also, I like how he went from being Yoongi's bodyguard to... the actual King LOL. ALL HAIL LEE HOYAAA

What made this so satisfying to see is that idk, he finally got over the fact that 'Biah' wasn't actually Biah; 'Biah' was just Namjoon's puppet, and he remembered that at the end instead of letting his feelings control him. Which I'm sure if Biah sees this in heaven, she would be very proud of him as well. ; u ; Also seriously Namjoon, how many girls are you gonna play until the end of your life?? Lol. I guess he died in a way very befitting for the main antagonist of this story. Until the end, he never gave up. I mean, he did look kinda pathetic clinging on to literally everything, but he has been a very formidable opponent. So after he's finally beaten, I feel like everyone will be like 'WOW THAT JERK IS FINALLY GONE AFTER 9999 YEARS' and frankly speaking, I feel kinda relieved too xD Also it's soo heartwarming to see the almost dying Chiyeon, Heejin, Baekhyun, Bacon and heck even R.O.P coming together to defeat Namjoon. Even if Baekhyun died, I think his death is a happy conclusion. /sobs. Look at how much Baekhyun has grown from being the nonsense kid everyone laughs at in Chapter 1 to the hero of the day now... SO PROUD OF YOU BAEKHYUNNN

Anyway, I think you did a really good job despite the impromptuness- I mean sure yeah some parts are messy but I bet if I was the one writing this story, I would be flipping tables and chairs lol. Bittersweet that this story has ended, but at least this kinda regains my hope in humanity again seeing how much the characters have grown *^*
Shino159 #9
Chapter 27: i don't know why aff didn't give me any updates but i'm glad because i can binge read xD forbidden friendship? i thought it was only forbidden to mate.. awwww i hope hoya will rule for a long time and have a loyal party to help him and restore all land from chaos. does this mean there will be no battle anymore for the ephemeral crown? because it's now a hybrid? loll aim: not planning anything ahead, parahraph later; lot of plans xD hahah i can't believe it's over now >.< this story made me have to much feels and many many mental breakdowns and yayyyy permission to make oneshot~ I'll take that xD
Shino159 #10
Chapter 26: when was the staff fixed? or is it also from clay so it can't actually hurt them that bad? i'm giving up on trying to figure out what they are, it's different every part xD ohhh background music~ ohmygosh even at this moment baekhyun is so cute xD nooooo not baekhyun T^T not him T^T nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu where will bacon live now???? wil he be a royal pet?