True Love


  "All the time people go through problems and difficulties,the majority continue and fight until the end. The other minority surrenders and loses the way, feels that never again will do as before, as if they feel that their life does not make sense and they are not happy.They withdraw, they distrust because they know that they can not go through anything else, they lock themselves in their  own world and live their life, lonely and sad.Try to forget that past, that scar that affected his life, close his heart. . . But that lonely and sad person must learn to live, to learn that in life there is more than suffering and pain, and only one person can do that: his true love. "


Hello, this is my second story, and this will be completely different from the other story.
It's about that Amber is a member of a band and knows Krystal, it's simple but I really want to put a lot of effort on it so please support this story and my first, thank you.

Note: I will actually use some songs to in some scenes represent what the characters feel.

Bye. <3


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