Going Home

When The Sun Shines


"That was an interesting bus ride."

"Why did we even take it? I told you we should've driven here."

"You said gas is expensive."

"Yeah but you're an actress," argued Hyuk, "You're bound to be flocked. It was fortunate the people realized who you were when we were already out of the bus."

Sun Hee smiled as she adjusted her bag's handles. "We should've made a bet out of it. I would've won. You said they'd notice in the middle of the trip."

"It's not a betting matter," he said, "You could've been hurt."

She frowned at him. "You're being weird again," she retorted, "I thought you promised you wouldn't do that again?"

The actress stopped in the middle of the road, hands on her hips. She was pouting at him; he did say that he'd stop being paranoid. He also said that he'd try not to be suspicious of everyone around her. That's what he said last night. 

The detective heaved a sigh. Sun Hee knew he was just looking out for her; he thoroughly explained his side after they made up last night. But she hoped he'd be more relaxed. After all, they got out of the bus without a scratch. She braced herself for another lecture or two, reminding herself to keep her cool and understand where he's coming from. 

So when an apologetic smile spread on his face, she was surprised. 

"I'm sorry," he said, caressing her hair, "I forget. But I'll try to keep it at a minimum."

Aisht, what is it with this man? wondered Sun Hee, biting her lip as she stared at him, the sun illuminating his handsome shadow. She had to control herself from grabbing him by the collar and doing away with him (she did so last night; it ended up with him falling behind her and hurting his arms). 

He took her hand. "C'mon, we better get going," he said, "My mother's going to wonder where we are."



"...you see! Didn't I tell you this would happen?"

"We get it, hyung. Now shut up."


Hyuk rolled his eyes as his hyung kept his chopsticks pointed at him, a victorious look on his face. Sun Hee, on the other hand, blushed furiously as she smiled at Ha Neul, laughing at his triumphant gesture. 

When his mother called him three days ago to ask him to come to Busan for the weekend, he didn't know if it was the right time to introduce Sun Hee to them as his girlfriend. It occurred to him that he hadn't broken the news about their relationship yet; they were bound to hear something soon, with the press hounding them everywhere. Rather than have them hear the news from others, he figured it was best if he did it himself. 

So when he called in to tell them he was bringing Sun Hee along, they got the message. Only when did they show up an hour ago did it sink in. 

Ha Neul spent the last hour thumping his dongsaeng on the head, repeatedly saying he saw this coming. Jae Eun, on the other hand, could not believe her oppa was really dating an actress ("Oh my god! I saw you on last night's episode! I loved it!" she excitedly told Sun Hee, all starry-eyed). She was so ecstatic, she almost wet herself at the sight of her brother's girlfriend ("You're so beautiful, oh my god!")


"So how long has this been going on?" asked Ha Neul, slurping on noodles, "Did it all start when I saw you guys down at --?"

"No," cut Hyuk before his brother could say they were at a motel, "That's not it."


"Do you have to know?"

Ha Neul sighed and turned to Sun Hee. "I think you're a better conversationalist," he said, "Can you tell me when did it all of this start?"

"Oh not too long ago," answered Sun Hee, "It's been two months, I think."

"See, I knew it. I knew that he had thing for you," said Ha Neul, "He was so bent on denying to death, I tell you. But where is he seated now?" The hyung raised an eyebrow at his dongsaeng. "Beside his girlfriend." He burst into laughter. Hyuk shook his head as he finished the last of his soup. He was annoyed with his brother's grin, but secretly, he liked seeing Sun Hee blush furiously.

"Eonnie, can I take a photo with you later?" asked Jae Eun.

"You can, but no posting," said Hyuk. 

"What? Why not?"

"Security reasons."

"But what's the point of taking a photo with an actress if I can't post it?" asked his sister, frowing, "It's SNS gold."

Hyuk leaned forward, chopstick in hand, and stared at his sister. "If people find out that you have a photo, they're going to wonder where you met her. Obviously, the place looks like a house so people will ask if you personally know her. Of course, you will say yes and you might slip that she's your brother's girlfriend," he said, "When that happens, everyone will flock us and we'll never have a private moment. Is that what you want?"

He eyed his sister, hoping she got the message. Jae Eun thought about it.

"Why not?"

Sun Hee burst out laughing as Hyuk glared at his sister. Ha Neul joined in the mix, saying that Jae Eun was probably going to use Sun Hee's fame to her advantage. All the while, their mother quietly held her bowl and smiled at all of them, saying nothing. 

"What? I've never had brush with fame before!" complained Jae Eun, "I'm sure eonnie wouldn't mind!"

"She's too busy to mind that."

"Hey Jae Eun, why not just audition?" asked Ha Neul, "Why do you have to use Sun Hee over here?"

Hyuk ate his soup. "She'll need more talent."


Sun Hee laughed louder. Hyuk glanced at her and saw that she was having fun, watching the three siblings banter. 

"Sun Hee eonnie, help me out  here. Do you see what I have to deal with?" said Jae Eun, crossing her arms. "Can you believe these are my older brothers? They're such big bullies."

"Ah, I can see that," said Sun Hee, "But it's better than being alone. I'm an only child and it's not always fun. I'd rather have big brothers."

"Even if they're a pain in the neck?"


"Watch what you say."

Sun Hee giggled. "Even so," she replied, "They might tease you, but I'm sure they're very protective. Any boy who messes with you is dead; I mean, you have a detective for a brother."

"Yeah, don't underestimate what I can do to your boyfriends."



Hyuk scowled at his sister as Ha Neul continued the banter, threatening to use Jae Eun's boyfriends as punching bags. All of the banter was for fun and Sun Hee was clearly enjoying it. She was laughing, comforting Jae Eun while the dongsaeng pouted, reasoning her past boyfriends were good guys. Hyuk could see the actress was having a good time with his family and it made him feel...happy. 

At the corner of his eye, he could see his mother watching him. But it wasn't the usual worried gaze she had.

She was just smiling at him.



Jae Eun was already on her phone and Ha Neul was hounding her about it in the living room. Hyuk, on the other hand, was outside talking with his superiors. An urgent call from the station came and the detective excused himself for a moment. He had been gone for already 15 minutes, leaving Sun Hee trying to help their mother out. 

So far, they were making small talk about her job. While the mother rinsed the dishes, Sun Hee volunteered to dry them out. For the past minutes, they also discussed Sun Hee's schedules, how she manages to meet Hyuk, and all that. She could sense that she was fast approaching the mother's talk about her son. 

"...it's fortunate you still see him despite the busy schedule," said the mother, "I know Hyuk is also busy at the station. He rarely calls us."

"He has. He's been piled up with countless cases, actually," said Sun Hee, taking another dish from her, "But we try our best to make time. Usually, we meet up by 11 PM and eat out. Or if I'm free in the morning, I have breakfast with him. We really try hard to see each other."

"Doesn't it break your schedule? You're an actress; surely you do a lot."

"That's true; I don't actually break my schedule. I have to adjust it so I can see him. I'm sure he does the same thing too."

"Don't you get tired?"

Sun Hee smiled at her. "As long as I see him, it's alright. I'm okay."

Judging from the mother's aura, Sun Hee sensed there was something she wanted to say. Hyuk always said that he takes after his mother; his silence came from her side while the other two took after their late father. Similar to her son, she did that thing where she would purse her lips, her eyes reflecting deep thought. That look always meant something.


"Sun Hee," she began, putting down the plate, "Is it alright if I be honest with you?"

The actress dried her hands with a paper towel. "Of course."

Hyuk's mother checked her children to see if they were pre-occupied. Jae Eun and Ha Neul were still busy arguing over the game they wanted to play and Hyuk was still outside. She took a chair and sat in front of the actress.

"Mothers always worry about their children," she began, "Particularly with the quiet ones. I've never had trouble sensing whether Jae Eun or Ha Neul were sad or angry; they are very expressive with their feelings. Whenever they underwent trials, they would open up and they would be fine sooner than later."

She then looked outside at Hyuk, who was still occupied with his phone. 

"I wish I could say the same about Hyuk. But he's not as open as his siblings," she continued, "I don't usually worry about him; he's always been a low-maintenance child. He rarely said anything, which I thought was a good thing. But when he got his heart broken twice, that was when I realized his hurts were always worse than the others." 

"He didn't speak for months and there were jarring moments in his routine. You knew he was broken; he just couldn't express it properly."

The mother looked up at her.

"I can see that you have strong feelings for my son; otherwise, you wouldn't break your schedule for him," she said, smiling, "I just want to be sure that...you would not waste his time just like the other two did."

It sounded like an accusation hidden under a melodious tone of a concerned mother, but Sun Hee did not dwell on that. She was a mother--she had every right to be concerned for her child. 

"I'm sure you know about them, right?"

"Yes, he's told me."

"And you understand why I'm worried?"

She must've thought that Sun Hee would follow the suit of his ex-girlfriends. The thought alone sort of offended the actress; did his mother think she was that kind of woman? But before she could react, she realized that the breakups must've traumatized her as well. It made Sun Hee wonder about the darkness Hyuk went through. 

Then she understood.

"Yes, I do," answered the actress, "I really understand. It's normal and I know you want to make sure he's going to be okay with me."

"Can I know your side of the tale then?"

That meant What's your plan with my son?

Sun Hee took a deep breath. Honesty required all of her energy.

"To be honest, it's an entirely different story with him," she started, "The first time I saw him, I can't explain it...but I was just drawn to him. I was annoyed with him, but I was also fascinated with him."


"I couldn't explain it; I tried. But basically, I was really drawn to him. At first, I thought the good looks was a major factor. Who wouldn't be attracted to that face of his?"

Hyuk's mother chuckled.

"But when I got to know him better, I knew I wasn't just fascinated with him," she continued, "I don't know how to say it, but there's a connection. It's like...I always have to be with him. If you ask him, he'll tell you how much I badgered him and chased him. I almost died because I ran after him countless times. I thought I was going crazy because I was crazy about him."

"Crazy about him?"

"I just...I really have to be with him," said Sun Hee, "That's the best explanation I can come up with. Now that he's with me, there's this unexplainable joy inside of me. It's not even just happiness; it's pure joy -- like it has been something that has been waiting to happen.  It feels right...so why would I want to end something right?"

Sun Hee saw a flicker of hope in the mother's eyes, like she heard what she had been wanting the actress to say.

"I know it's only been months, but please believe me when I say I love your son," she continued, "I must be crazy for saying that, but that's the truth. I love him."

Saying it aloud sent shivers down Sun Hee's spine. She always knew that her feelings for the detective weren't that of a childish crush anymore; it wasn't giggles and shallowness. She was sure that she loved him. Had she known she'd end up like this three years ago, she'd think she was mad. But no matter how hard she tried to make sense, there was no explanation.

It was just truth.

There was a short silence between the two women as the mother digested what Sun Hee said. The actress could see the older woman processing her declaration--very much like her son. 

After a minute, his mother extended a hand and touched hers, smiling confidently. She didn't have to say anything; Sun Hee knew she had earned her approval.



Okay, this is not what I planned. 


As Hyuk was brushing his teeth in his old bedroom's bathroom, he thought about his original plan: they would just visit the family for dinner and he and Sun Hee would return to Seoul. But when they were about to leave, his mother insisted that they stay overnight. It was dangerous, she said, she'd sleep peacefully if her son and his girlfriend were safe. Even his being a detective was no match to his mother's request. Jae Eun had some clothes and they had spare blankets -- Sun Hee would be fine. 

So, they had no choice. 

He sorely wanted to take Sun Hee back, but he also felt tired. He would've said yes to the proposition earlier if his hyung didn't so much. But with his mother insisting, Hyuk had no say anymore. 

At least I'll get some sleep, he thought while vigorously brushing his teeth, And that shower felt nice. Maybe it's a good thing. 

He stepped outside his bathroom for a moment, remembering that his mouthwash was on his table. 

He almost spat his toothpaste when he saw Sun Hee standing in front of his bathroom door, holding pillows and wearing purple pajamas. 

"What are you doing here?" he mumbled through the foam.

"What? I can't understand you."

Hyuk removed his brush from his mouth. "What are you doing here?"

Some of the foam ended up on Sun Hee's face, causing her to cringe. "Spit the foam out first, will you?"

The detective went back inside to spit out the excess soap and rinse his mouth before returning to Sun Hee, who was still standing with the pillow, pajamas, and apparently some fluffy slippers. 

"Why are you here?" he asked, "Do you need blankets?"

Sun Hee looked at his bed. "Well, you have plenty already. I have pillows. I guess we should be okay."


"I'm sleeping here."

"Says who?"

"Says your mother."

"I thought you're sleeping at Jae Eun's."

Sun Hee smiled sheepishly. "Well, your sister did want me to sleep in her room, but your brother blocked that suggestion out," she explained, "He said it'd be better if we stayed in your room for some quality time. Your mother suggested the same thing, so she gave me her pajamas and sent me these pillows." She set it on his bed, "She said you'll want more pillows."

Hyuk stared at Sun Hee as she sat on his bed and felt the covers, commenting on how soft they were. His mind shut down temporarily; the idea that she was going to sleep with him was...something.

It's no like they haven't slept in the same room before, but the circumstances were different that time. This time...

There was a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it," said Hyuk, hoping to distract himself. When he opened the door, he saw his hyung right outside, silently beckoning him to step outside the room. He was holding a box. 

"What?" asked the younger brother. 

"I heard she's sleeping in your room tonight," said Ha Neul, "Aren't you glad?"

"Did you have anything to do with this?"

"I have my ways, little brother."

Hyuk rolled his eyes. "What do you need?"

Ha Neul smiled. "It's not what I need, little brother. It's what you need," he said, shoving the box at Hyuk, "You might want that."

"What is this?"

"Look at it."

When Hyuk opened the tiny box, his eyes widened in shock. His brother, on the other hand, let out a loud laugh. Hyuk had to to shush Ha Neul; he didn't want to wake the other women and summon them to the hall; otherwise, they'd be scandalized to see what his hyung gave him.

"What the hell?" said Hyuk, shoving the box to his hyung, "I don't need this."

"Oh you will."

"In our house? God, no."

"It's about time."



"Good night, hyung."

Without another word, Hyuk closed the door on his brother, who was still sniggering outside. The poor detective felt his face still warm with embarrassment at what he just saw. How could Ha Neul suggest that when they were in their house? 

"Hey, are you okay?"

Sun Hee had just come out of his bathroom, rubbing her face with one of his towels. She looked so fresh, Hyuk was mesmerized for a second. It didn't help that the image of what his brother just shoved at him moments ago popped in his head; part of him suddenly wished he took his brother's offer.

Nope. No. Get your head out of the gutter.

"Why are you red in the face?" she asked him, "What did your brother do?"

"Uhm...uh...nothing," replied Hyuk, immediately passing her, hoping to subside the redness of his face, "He was just joking around."

"I bet he wanted us to do something naughty, huh?"

He looked at her, incredulous. "What? No."

"Pft, I can see it in your face. You look scandalized."

Sun Hee threw away the Q-tip she was using and sat on the edge of his bed. Hyuk, on the other hand, remained frozen by his pillows, trying to get that image out of his head. He needed to shake it off; otherwise, he didn't know what he'd do.

"I'll get a sleeping bag for the floor," he announced, about to leave the room. Before he could, she grasped his arm. Hyuk looked down and saw Sun Hee gazing up at him, locks of her hair on her face. 

"You're not sleeping on the floor, honey," she said, then she tipped her toes to whisper in his ear, "You're sleeping beside me."

If he could explode at that moment, he would've. The detective looked at the actress, scandalized at what she could be suggesting. The look on his face, however, was enough to make Sun Hee burst out laughing. She fell on his bed, clutching her stomach, and the other hand pointing at him.

"Oh my god, look at you! You look so flustered!" she said, "Your face is so red!"

Hyuk touched his face, even more embarrassed. He got one of the pillows and threw himself on his bed, burying himself. He felt Sun Hee's weight on the bed, her laughter ringing in his ears. He kept the pillow firmly planted above him while Sun Hee's fingers touched his shirt, pulling him up. 

"It's nothing to be embarassed about, honey," she said, "Come on, I was just joking."



It was adorable, seeing Hyuk all flustered. After much prodding, Sun Hee finally managed to get him to sit up. His face was still red and he couldn't look at her. She had to keep herself from stranggling him for being so adorable. 

"Are you okay now?" she asked.

He just looked at her, those red lips unintentionally in a pout. 

"I'm sorry," she said, refraining from giggling, "Did I hurt your feelings?"


"Come on, Hyuk. There's no need to be ashamed or anything," she told him, "We're all adults here. It's not like you don't know it or never done it."

Suddenly, she saw him look at her with uncertainty. At first, Sun Hee thought he could be judging her for being so liberated, but then a thought came to her mind.

"Wait," she said, "You've never...?"

He pulled up the blanket up to his face. "Okay, that's enough chit chat for now."

She pulled it down. "No, I want to know," she said, "So, you've never slept with anyone."

Defeated, the detective put down the blanket. His eyes suggested that he'd rather not talk about it, but Sun Hee was curious. The dead silence indiciated that her shy boyfriend might not say anything. She knew he didn't like it when anyone pushed details out of him. When the silence stretched with him looking at the blanket, she knew he wouldn't say it.

"Well, if it makes you feel uncomfortable--"

"I haven't."

He said it so plainly, but the revelation sort of astounded Sun Hee. She used to think that he was the type of guy who didn't play around, but has done the deed before. He had that look and when he kisses, he sends plenty of shivers down her spine. So hearing him say he's...a ...that blew her mind.

"Why not?"

Hyuk shifted his position, his eyes staring at the nearby window. Sun Hee wondered if she had just touched a sensitive subject. 

He sighed.

"Call me old-fashioned, but I...I've always thought that that kind of intimacy is reserved for someone I really love, someone I'm going to marry," he revealed, "I know everyone does it so casually, but...I'm not much of a big believer in that. I'd rather do it with one girl I love than with others I'm not sure of."

"So...your ex-girlfriends?"

He thought about it. "Now that you've brought it up, I guess, I didn't see them in the end," he said, "I thought I did. But if I really think about it, I wasn't ready to be that intimate with them."

A voice from her distant past came back to her mind.

"You'll do it if you love me."

She shivered. 

Hyuk, on the other hand, stopped and looked at Sun Hee. "I guess I didn't love them."

That proclamation made Sun Hee think: what was he trying to say? His revelation could mean two things: he wasn't sure with her either or...could he be saying that she was the one?

She adjusted herself in front of him. "What about me then?" she asked, "Am I the type of girl you'd want to marry?"

He didn't answer for a moment.

She got scared. 

Hyuk sighed and took her hands in his. "I never said this before...but I don't know," he began, "There's just something about you Sun Hee. I never really understood it at first. I thought I was just really annoyed at you, but I couldn't even stay away from you." He paused for a while. "I'm not like this. I sound pathetic, actually. But to be honest--and call me crazy-- but I really believe we're supposed to be together."

"In the long run?"

Another pause.

"Yes, in the long run."

It was enough to make Sun Hee pull him towards her for a kiss. She knew what he was talking about -- that feeling that he was the one since the beginning. There was no explanation. 

Like what he said, they just had to be together.



It was another morning and Hyuk had never felt so alive.


Last night saw Sun Hee falling asleep in his arms and this morning saw him waking up with her still in his arms. It was a different feeling altogether; seeing her sleeping face close to his. He had just woken up from a strange yet wonderful dream: he was holding her hand and they were walking up a flight of stairs. There was no talking, just smiling.

It was weird that he wore all black in that dream, though. 

Sun Hee was still asleep, all clad in her purple pajamas. He didn't bother to wake her up; after all, it was just six in the morning. Everyone was still asleep. Hyuk was always the early riser. So when he woke up, he thought he'd like a glass of milk. He slowly entangled himself from Sun Hee's sleeping figure, admiring her face.

She looked so innocent. 

Rubbing the back of his head while he made his way to the kitchen, he couldn't help but smile at last night's memory. 

Recalling what he said, he felt like smacking himself for being so cheesy. He wasn't usually like that. But as he poured himself a glass of milk, he admitted that there was no helping it. It was bound to happen anyway. 

The kitchen was eerily quiet at six in the morning. He wondered if he should take a jog or just lounge lazily in the living room and play with his siblings' games. He could also go back to sleep. 

As he shuffled towards the living room, there was a knock on the door. 

Huh, who could be here?

The sleepy detective opened the front door and looked outside. No one was there. 

Who was that?

He looked down and saw a package on their doorstep. He stooped down to retrieve the hastily wrapped parcel, gingerly removing the brown packaging paper. He wondered if his family ordered anything at this time of the morning. Slowly, he took away the remaining pieces of paper, revealing a small phone and a piece of paper. On the phone, there was a note. 

It rang. 

Hyuk answered. "Hello?"

There was no answer.

"Hello, who is this?"


He was about to close the phone when he heard a voice. 

"You take her hands off her," said the heavily masked voice, "She's not yours. She's mine. Take your hands off, or else."

"Who is this?"


The phone went dead. Hyuk scanned his surroundings, trying to look for any suspicious figure. There was no one. He stepped outside of his house, looking around. 

It was then he remembered the piece of paper in his hand. He flipped it around.


It was a photo of him and Sun Hee in bed...last night. Across the image was an angry scrawl in red.


SHE'S MINE, it said.



A/N: Hey guys, it's me again. I hope you had a fun week last week. I had so much fun; I saw BTS just last night and I can't even. I...can't...even. That's all I can say. The mere fact that I saw Jimin and V gave me enough motivation to finish this chapter. Like, guys, I wanted to die. HAHAHA :D

As for the update confusion, IDK what's happening too guys. AFF has been crazy on me recently.

I hope you're all happy and content. See you in the next chapter!

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Chapter 40: set on reading your scarlet heart ryeo fanfic now ! gosh, i just can't believe how many memories of the good old days flood back when i read the foreword.
Chapter 40: literally the best story ever ! i felt so empty when the drama ended (yes i watched it in 2023kkkkk), but this fanfic is the very extension of the drama. you couldn't have done a even better job. thanks for all the joy it's brought me in the past few days!
Locaporkdramas42 #3
Que hace plagg de miraculous en la foto
Hey hey hey!!! Remember me?? XD I commented a lot when you were active on this story xP Anywaysssss DID YOU SEE!! Both of them are in a new drama!!! And strangely, it has somewhat YOUR STORY FEELZZZZZZ KDBSOANSKSNSISBSK!!! I'm falling in love with that drama! And thinking about this story time to time when I watch that drama xD I feel like rereading this once that drama ends xD

Hope you have a gread day Nini!!
convrzhigh #5
Chapter 40: after watching touch your heart ep6, i had sunny and grim reaper withdrawals so i went ahead and searched up fics and found this masterpiece. thank you so much for writing this gem!!! ♡
gitanovianti #6
Good news!
Lee Dong wook and Yoo In Na will be a couple again at TvN new drama, Touch your hearts
and it has Wang Yeo and Kim Sun feels! Aaaaaa I can not wait to watch it >__<
Debloone #7
Chapter 40: This is a gem of a story! Your writing drew me into their world. It's so hard to allude subtly yet obviously to Shin and Eun Tak, but you did it with such finesse. The cliffhangers and pacing of the story were perfect. Thank you for this wonderful work! My favourite parts were the conversations Hyuk had with his mysterious friend at the bar who always had hard-boiled eggs ;) So clever.
dreamerc #8
Chapter 40: I absolutely love this story. I started and just could not stop! It was brilliantly written and all the emotions were portrayed so well. My favourite chapters were definitely when hyuk ans sun hee were confession to each other. Totally gave me butterflies.

And the character connections and how they tied in together were integrated so well!

Looking forward to reading your other stories !
hikaru_dawn #9
Chapter 40: Thank you for this story <3 Ahhhh it wouldve been nice to have Kim Shin and Eun Tak too...thank you
hikaru_dawn #10
Chapter 13: Sunny and Lee Hyuk are cute..too cute