She's a Monster


She was your typical ice queen; closed off, a genius and beautiful. However, what you see is not always the truth.  Behind closed doors, she was a socially inept, traumatised girl with no one to lean on.


That's the real problem, she had no cards.



Under normal circumstances, I would have been a junior in high school. However, my school was not your normal school. Though I was ranked first in academics every year, I was continually placed in Class 1-5 aka the worst class in the freshman year for 3 years. You may ask, why? Why indeed. Is it because I had no money, no connections, no social life and because I was practically the rudest student in school? No. Why? Because I had no cards. 

Every person born into a magical family was dictated to have a deck of cards. Every person was to have their first card by the time they were 12. I came from one of the highest ranked families in the magical universe, I had money, connections, friends and I was carefree. That was until my 12th birthday came and went, as did my 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th. I will be 17 in 2 months, yet I have not been bonded to a single card... why?

What I had taken for granted before had all been taken away. I had been dumped together with the lowest of the low, working day in day out like every mundane in order to survive. My prestige, my title... my family, even my name, all taken away.

I used to be known as Moon Ji Eun, the second heir to the throne, descendent of the original beta magicae and the heir to the ancient family of ostium.

Now, I'm simply Park Ji Soo.

This is my story on how I found the 12 cards that changed my life forever.




hehe hello!!! I got the idea for this story from red skys and royal cards!!! i hope you enjoy this :-)


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