➳ Love Arrow #1 ➳

His Miss Cupid
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➳ Love Arrow #1 ➳ 


Early August

Everyone knew Jimin. Everyone knew 15&'s Park Jimin as being a lively bouncy vitamin ball of energy, jammed packed inside a 5'3" tall female embodiment of a frame. It's known in her nature to easily get along with others and she instantly makes new friends because of that reason alone. She is not one to brag about anything but she can say with full confidence that she has a good hefty amount of people (friends) that truly adore her, just as much as she does them. She has never been shy to say that she loves and treasures her friends the most as they were more along the lines of a second family to her, than anything else. She always wants to see them smile because it genuinely warms her heart, knowing that they are truly living happily. For her, that's what true friendship was and right at that moment, one of her friends looked anything but happy. For reasons she'll never admit to, Jimin's own heart tugged downwards lightly at the sight before her. The urge of wanting to find him his smile back was something inevitable, beyond the unknown feelings creeping up deep inside her heart. She couldn't just sit there and do nothing. She had to help because that's what she was good at, being Miss Cupid.


Park Jimin was always playing Miss Cupid, this time wasn't an exception either. She couldn't help it though. Seeing her friends; whether they be male or female hung over on their never-ending love quests, she almost always couldn't help herself from lending them a guiding hand towards the right direction. She had "a heart of gold", that's what her friends would tell you. But she denies it fully on the contrary as she claims that she was born with only one thing, Cupid's heart. 


Along with Cupid's heart, Jimin could have sworn that she was given his invisible love bow and an endless supply of spell bond arrows, that could surely make you fall in love with someone right on the spot. Okay, well maybe not right on the spot per say but her efforts were literally little love mircales that could make you say otherwise. And as a self-proclaimed Miss Cupid, Jimin already had her eye on her next target, BTS' Golden Maknae.


Jeon Jungkook.


To be honest, Jeon Jungkook was stubborn beyond reason. He was someone who Jimin had a hard time befriending (which was so rare, that she almost gave up on him, almost). She wasn't too fond of him at the beginning as he hid his true self behind his self-composed, timid image. He didn't talk much and honestly kept to himself, most of the time ignoring her whenever they were in the same room together. It wasn't easy breaking through his outer shell but Jimin saw something in him that made her want to get to know him better. It wasn't as though she was that desperate for a friend but he was somehow different than others and she had managed to crack his guarded code and that's how their friendship blossomed into the closeness they shared now.


Believe what you want. Even though Jungkook acted like a rowdy, obnoxious 7-year-old most of the time around her, he was shy and quiet as ever around others that he didn't know too well. Especially around females. He was indeed a shy lost puppy when it came to the opposite . He had no clue how to act when it came to girls. He would stay clear of ever coming near them if he could but of course, he was still a 20-year-old hormonal young man. It was a given fact that he liked girls, obviously and girls definitely liked him too. 


If you had eyes you would see that BTS' Golden Maknae was perfection walking on 2 toned, muscled legs. He was almost so perfect that it made Jimin wonder sometimes why he had even let her befriend him in the first place. But then again, Jimin was always an exception and yet, she didn't take it as an offense or so she tried to coax herself into believing most of the time anyway. The fact that she was probably the only girl he could talk to without being a sputtering mess was truly mind-boggling, even to the other BTS members, who would constantly tease them when they were together. 


"You know, you're special to him." Rapmon had whispered to her on one specific occasion when she was just hanging out with everyone (BTS and GOT7) at a private Karaoke lounge. Jungkook had stuck to her side that entire night, talking and joking around with her up until he had to excuse himself to go to the bathroom. Jimin couldn't fathom what the elder had been talking about. But when Jungkook came back into the room a few minutes later, she noticed out of the corner of her eye that the BTS leader was giving her a sly knowing wink as Jungkook once again plopped himself down beside her and then, it clicked. They've truly gotten closer and at that time it had been nearly over a year since they'd became "friends", Jimin also had to admit that Jungkook was someone special to her too. After that night, something changed and Jimin knew she was going to be digging herself into an unwanted heartbreak but unfortunately, there was nothing to stop her.  


BTS grew even more popular over the next year or so, which only meant fully booked up schedules and less time for themselves. But surprisingly, Jimin saw more of Jungkook during that time than most of her other friends. It wasn't a common occurrence but it happens more often than none that Jeon Jungkook would show up at the JYPE building late at night in his spare time to visit either Yugyeom, BamBam and/or her. Today, he specifically texted her and told her he wanted to hang out. So, here they were, just lounging about in the cafeteria, having a full blown out conversation about lamb skewers (Yes, it was nearly 1am and apparently out of all the things to talk about, lamb skewers had to be discussed). 


Jimin sat there sleepy, half-lidded eyes glued subconsciously on the young man sitting beside her, elaborately talking about how he was going to open his very own lamb skewer business with 'Yoongi hyung' in the distant future. Even though she was a bit too exhausted today, she truly liked listening to his soothing voice filled deep with enthusiasm as he talked so passionately about his future goals. She suddenly noticed that his gaze had slightly drifted away from her and as he stuttered into an abrupt silence, she could tell with just the look in his eyes that something caught his attention. Or more along the lines of "someone". It was a telltale expression that she was so used to witnessing among her friends (whether it'd be male or female), that she didn't even hesitate to glance over to see who Jungkook was staring at. Jimin's eyes, now alert, had instantly landed on a pretty girl sitting across the room. Kim Eunseo with pale porcelain skin, thin petite frame, and long black hair that flowed effortlessly over her slim shoulders, of course, she would catch anyone's' attention yet alone Jungkook's. Jimin hadn't registered her name at first until she remembered a certain conversation she had had not too long ago. 


Jimin had been hanging out with Yugyeom months prior, eating ice cream and catching up on his hectic idol life storytelling. Out of the blue or maybe not out of the blue, he had suddenly mentioned something about Jungkook eyeing a trainee named Eunseo, who had just randomly walked pass by them. It seemed that Yugyeom would playfully tease Jungkook whenever he'd visit him, saying that Jungkook was only there to see "his" trainee girl and that he was hurt (jokingly) that Jungkook didn't really care about their blossoming bromance. Jimin had brushed it off as nothing, even though a weird pang shot through her chest during their little discussion on the matter. At that time, she never really thought much about it because Jungkook never mentioned anything to her but now it made sense. 


It was true. The trainee that Jungkook had his eye on for the longest time, Eunseo was in fact, Kim Eunseo.


Jimin's doe-like eyes once again slowly diverted back subconsciously towards Jungkook's direction. The boy sitting beside her wasn't your average Joe but right then and there Jimin also didn't see the idol that he was. He wasn't BTS' Golden Maknae, wasn't BTS' Jeon Jungkook, he was just Jeon Jungkook, a young boy who looked helplessly in love. It was something that she knew she couldn't unsee. At that moment, Jimin knew she had to ground herself. She had to remind herself that like all of her other guy friends, she was just one of 'the guys' to Jungkook. She was just a friend and always will be just a friend to him. And being Jimin's friend had many advantages, at least that's what Jungkook had said to her once. 


Being Jimin's friend, you will always have someone to talk, play, and eat with. It was a win-win for both parties. When a friend is in dire need, she will almost always be the first one there to lend them a helping hand because that's just who Park Jimin was. She was always selfless when it came to her friends and right now it seems as though one of her friends really needed her help. Even if she wanted to ignore it, she couldn't possibly look away from the situation that was blooming rapidly in front of her eyes. Park Jimin had suddenly decided right then and there, that she was going to help Jeon Jungkook out no matter what. She could see from her seat beside him, that Jungkook's expression had turned from an admiring gaze to a tense glare. He looked anything but happy. The urge of wanting to find him his smile back was something inevitable, beyond the unknown feelings creeping up deep inside her heart. Her gaze shifted towards Eunseo yet again, this time though she wasn't sitting alone. Another male trainee had abruptly greeted her but was now waving bye to her and leaving the cafeteria. To her surprise when Jimin returned her attention to Jungkook, she saw him heft out a small sigh as his chair slightly scraped the tiled floor, making a slight screeching noise. Even then, Jungkook's eyes never left the Kim Eunseo's direction. Jimin willed herself for what she was about to do. 


Miss Cupid to the rescue.


"Eh hm! What are you staring at Jeon Jungkook shi~?" Jimin cleared , slinging one arm over Jungkook's shoulder tugging forward like she was about to bash his head into the table in front of them. There was a hint of playfulness with a secretly hidden sadness lingering in the depth of her bouncy energic voice as she

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avisdawn #1
Hope you'll update the story again ^^
Chapter 2: Hello Author-nim, please update, I really really like your story and would like to see how it progresses :)
Jia_Yi #3
Chapter 3: shinee was the group that got me into kpop and they're really precious to me and this hurt my heart a lot- jonghyun spoke up for the minorities and he's truly an inspiration. it's saddening how he wrote songs to comfort people but he's the one who's hurting inside ;; i hope he's at peace now. you did well jonghyun
Nisa90 #4
Chapter 3: I'm still sad......I'm his fan......I can't even look at his pic
Chapter 3: it came a surprise I never expect such thong to happen
backpackkid #6
i'm truly broken when i heard the news. Shinee is the one who intruduced me to Kpop and i never regret it. i remember to post my first story here, and it's about shinee and it's family-kinda-themed and and and i don't think i would ever brave enough to re-read all my old shinee fics that i've made.

rest in peace, our puppy, our sunshine, Jjong :)
I didn't know this was a thing, is this a thing? I'm aware we ship our girl Jamie with litterally every male (and even female) friend she has, but I didn't know these two were friends.
Hi author-nim~ Yasss its jaemi FF XD wow its 97liner can't wait for your story about jiminxjungkook relationship ^^
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