Yixing Goes Unicorn Hunting


Xiao Zhu suggests a road trip, and Yixing just knows this is the worst idea in history. Or is it?

Featuring Yixing and Luhan being bros, Xiao Zhu being a sassy little , and these boys all being dumb babies.


Written for the 2016 Showxing and Tell fic fest. You can read the rest of the stories from this fest on LiveJournal!


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Chapter 1: Lmao this is so cute. Yixing has keen eyes only on bunnies and unicorns. Cute. And that sudden kissing turn was really cute too. And Luhan stressing over Minseok. I wonder what he replied with though. And that trip there omfg Luhan peeing in the bottle and Xiao Zhu insisting that they won't stop until he says so or he has to pee himself. Rude hahaha. Love all the banter and stupid things friends usually laugh about while some look at them like Yixing.
Miorocks #2
Chapter 1: This was so adorable
Chapter 1: This is so cuteeee!!Great story