Just A Crush

Let Me Love You - Kris

There is always one guy that gets a hold of you, that one that no matter how hard you try you can never let go, the one that no matter what they do big or small makes an impact on you and captures your mind for the rest of the day. The one who’s small smile could put your mind at ease and cause your heart to stop at any moment. That is how you felt when you saw your crush every day for the past two years.

You had never been the one to pine over guys, to fawn over them just to find another crush the next week after he got a new girlfriend hanging on his arm. On the contrary, when you found a guy that captured your attention, you would fall and fall hard for him. No matter how much or little he would interact with you, you would be able to pick up on his subtle personality traits causing you to fall for him day after day. Making sure that you did everything you could to cross paths with him, giving him every opportunity you could to interact with you.

Having a few classes together, you would watch him periodically through class gathering more information about him until he was almost predictable. Until one fall day when he actually acknowledged your existence.

Soft chatter, chairs sliding across tile and papers being jostled around were the typical sounds in your classroom. Taking your seat, you placed your backpack down by the leg of your desk before you removed your books from inside. Placing them on your desk, you reached down and pulled out your pen, flipping to the next available page in your notebook before dating the page for the upcoming lectures throughout the day.

A small commotion caught your attention as you finished writing your name on the top of the page to accompany the date. Turning your head to the classroom door, you stopped and stared for a moment or two as your crush slowly walked through the door, his hands slipped into his front pockets. Making his way to his seat, he slid the backpack off of his shoulders and reclined in the classroom chairs. With headphones covering his ears, he pulled his phone out and choose another song with a few taps of his thumbs. The popular girls began playing with their hair in hopes that he would look their way.

Watching the popular girls giggle and softly whisper, one of the girls stood up and gathered her designer bag before she graciously walked over to the open seat next to him. Sitting down next to him, she flipped her hair over her shoulder before his eyes lifted from his phone to see the girl next to him, glaring at her she gave him a soft smile and a small wave. Standing to his feet, he grabbed his bag and moved behind her chair.  

Snapping your head down to look at your notes, you slowly began to write the subject at the top of your page as the chair next to you slid across the tile floor. The dark tempting scent of his cologne caused your heart to stop beating a moment, not wanting to scare him off, you kept your eyes down as the teacher walked into the room and began to start class.

Watching him out of the corner of his eye pull out his notebook and a pen, he slipped off his headphones from his ears as they hung around his neck. Listening to the lesson, you jotted down notes from time to time before a light tap was felt on your shoulder. Turning your head slightly, you noticed that he leaned closer to you.

“Sorry I didn’t catch what the teacher said” He whispered as you just nodded, being tongue tied in your crush's’ presence you slid your notebook over so he could copy the last line or two of your notes while the teacher wrote a few more problems on the board.

“Thank you” Your crush, Kris, whispered back, his minty warm breath brushing across your smooth skin as he spoke,

“Anytime” You whispered back before you added a few points to your notes.

Time seemed to tick by too quickly, with your heart pounding against your chest and your blush growing on your cheeks, you couldn’t help but glance his way a few times. Watching his hand doodle in the margins, you turned your head slightly more so you could watch him doodle with ease.

“I like your drawing” You leaned over and complimented as he gave you a small smile and nodded as a quiet thank you.

With the teacher adjourning class slightly after that, you couldn’t help but slowly pack up your things while he booked it out of class. Not even bothering to slip his notebook back into his backpack, he tucked his notebook under his arm and his backpack on one shoulder before he was the first one to leave the classroom.

Class after class, your mind reeled as to your crush, Kris. How he whispered in your ear, the soft yet deep tone in his voice, how his headphones hung around his neck and that thankful smile. With the lunch bell shaking you out of your thoughts, you headed outside to enjoy the perfect fall day as you headed to your typical lunch spot.

Easing yourself down on a bench, you pulled out your sketch pad and your lunch. Munching on your lunch, you continued to draw between bites of food. Lifting your eyes, you watched your crush join his friend group as they tossed around a frisbee to one another.

With the frisbee greeting you a few times, Kris ran over towards you, his eyes meeting yours for a fleeting moment.

“Sorry we didn’t mean to bother you” His staggered breathing was evident through his words.

“You didn’t” You whispered back as that adorable smile curled back onto his lips, with a nod, he leaned down and picked up the white frisbee from the grass beside your bench.

Running back to his friends, you peered over the top of your sketchbook while you watched him run then flick his wrist and released the frisbee from his hold. Pulling your sketchbook up to hid your blush, you continued watched him before glancing down at your drawing that you had been working on for weeks.

Another bell sounded causing you to pack up your lunch and your drawing supplies, heading to your next class, you couldn’t keep your smile off of your face as this was the most interaction you have had with him for the past two years.

Sitting through a few more classes, your mind wondered as you continued to sketch from time to time. Happily wandering from one thought to the next, you found yourself thinking of possibly confessing to Kris, your crush.

“If I didn’t confess, would I regret it later?” You questioned yourself as an answer came to your mind, pulling out another sketch page you folded it in half before you began to draw and work on your confession.

Hours seemed to tick by quickly then agonizingly slow. Working on the letter through your classes, thoughts of rejection to acceptance bounced around in your mind as to the possible outcomes that your note could have.

The final bell of the day rang as anticipation and a nervous excitement filled your being. Tucking the folded note into your jacket pocket, you gathered your things and slipped your backpack onto your shoulders before you headed outside. Walking slowly, your eyes scanned the crowds as you tried to look for him and his perfect hair over the crowds.

Spotting him in the distance, all of them waiting for the bus to arrive, you cautiously walked over there, your fingertips running along the edge of your letter as you watched yourself get closer and closer to his friend group.

Stopping your steps a few feet away from Kris, his back was turned towards you his wide shoulders slowly turned as you reached up with a shaking hand and tapped a broad shoulder of his. Turning his shoulder upon feeling your tap, his friends halted their conversation as all of their eyes turned to your as well.

“I-I just wanted to give you something” Your stammered words almost giving it away as you carefully pulled the folded note from your pocket and handed it over to him.

His eyes dropped down as he grasped the note, letting your grip falter from the note, you slipped your hand back into your pocket as his eyes slowly glanced up at you.

“Dude, you should read it” One of his friends suggested hanging on his shoulder as a bright smile played on his friend’s lips.

Glancing at you a moment, you your lips lightly before your eyes dropped letting him make the call.

The sound of paper rustling as he unfolded your note, your heart stopped while you tuned into him letting everything else fade around you. The sound of the paper rustling stopped as Kris’ voice slowly read the note, you could hear a smile on his lips as you hoped for the best, however that hope began to shatter when you heard the slight chuckle lining his words towards the end.

“Thank you for the note, but you can tell those girls that made you do this that there isn’t any way that I would like you” Kris took the whole confession as a joke, your eyes lifted slightly before you nodded feeling your heart receive a stabbing.

“Sorry to have wasted your time” You bowed to him and your friends before you turned and began to make your way home.

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Chapter 4: I like this story. But I am confused by Kris behavior... He clearly told her that he will not like her and insult her by telling no one will love her. Then after she finally gives him up, he tells that "if it has to be someone.... then it is her" ? Why? He doesn't love her but why say that. If he hate her why he want to marry her?
missadel #2
Chapter 4: Waaaaaa
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 4: Wonderful story but felt lacking why Kris treated her that way
CrisGalaxy #4
Gosh! Awesome story! Keep writing
love your story
thepoeticalcat #5
Chapter 4: Oh author-nim, with that emotional clench at the beginning~!
Loved it! -hugs-
redsnow_0311 #6
Chapter 4: I love it so much!! I literally cried when reading the 'heartbreak' part... Oh my! I really really really love this!!
Queenka94 #7
Chapter 4: And finally.......a happy ending ♥
Chapter 4: oh my.....sooooo beautiful!!!!!
Chapter 4: This is so cute ahaha, but I can't deny that while reading I wanted to slap the hell out of Kris.
Even if you don't like a girl you don't have to be so means. Plus, just refuse it politely would not hurt anyone.
Also, I wonder for a moment I was like “Kris are you bipolar or what” a moment he's kind, after he breaks her saying he's not interest. But the next day you suddenly watch her,then burst out of a room and then you being mean again. And after she announced him the new he worried about here and confess. Such an up and down what xD
Anyway good fan fiction I really liked it. Keep the good work author-nim.