130 MPH


Had it been obvious?

Perhaps it had beenbecause here he was, speeding down the sparse highway, blinking away angry tears and wishing he was dreaming.


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Chapter 1: Oh God, poor Jongin! I would say poor Sehun too, but I don’t know if he’s guilty of any wrong doing or if the whole thing was some big misunderstanding… and wouldn’t that even more if it were! I am in need of some serious fluff after this, fluff and happy endings.
Chapter 1: This needs more subscribers...
Viviannitta #3
Chapter 1: I believe a good fic is the one that can make have a storm of feelings even when it's just a short one. So thank you , you made me so depressed and sad with this beautiful fic.
oohsekaix #4
This was so sad but beautifully written.