Found You


One shot.

Jimin is a café owner and Yoongi is a musician that finds his café entirely on accident but after seeing him visits every week at least once to pine and spend money.

Story takes place at the culmination of said pining.

The rest of bangtan ship it.

*Also on Ao3*


One, two, three, four; Yoongi kicks the empty bottle along the side of the road and let's it direct him. The cool night air is just as Jin predicted, he thinks regrettably and pulls the too-light jacket tighter around him. He should have listened to the older man but he'd been too busy being annoyed at everything that moved today.

One, two, three...he pauses to let the teenagers walk by him, tugging his baseball cap down to hide his eyes better. Despite the cold it's a nice night out. The moon is full, people are sparse, his earbuds bring him The Neighborhood's music, and he feels better now.

His phone buzzes but he ignores it for the moment. Better didn't mean he was ready to deal with his makeshift family. In fact, Yoongi stops and let's the bottle roll down the drain, maybe its better he doesn't go home tonight.

Taking out his phone, he snaps a few pictures of the city he's walking through. One of the still wet street, one of the glare of oncoming headlights in the near distance, one of the distorted glow of the streetlights, one of... Yoongi lowers his hand and let's it drop to his side.

What are the odds he'd see him here, right now, tonight? Red hair and a sweet smile, there he was, across the street stumbling out of a building with a couple of other men, his head thrown back in a laugh at his own clumsiness. Yoongi makes a move towards or away from him and only then does Yoongi realise he'd just been standing there, staring. He shakes his head and backs up, turning around to walk the opposite direction.


Yoongi has a feeling that's meant for him but doesn't turn around. Feigning deafness he keeps his direction and pace.

"Hey," that was closer, and quieter. Yoongi pauses and looks at the hand on his shoulder.

Without turning around he asks, "Can I help you?"

There's a huff of laughter, "You could turn around, customer, for starters."

Yoongi almost - almost - smiles at that. "This is a street in the middle of Seoul. This isnt your cafe." He says in stead.

"Well I know that. But I'm so used to you running away from me it almost feels like we're at the café."

"When have I ran away?" Yoongi asks affronted, "I'm a busy man."

The hand on his shoulder leaves and for a moment Yoongi missed it. Jimin walks around to stand in front of him.

"Liar, liar..." Jimin's smile is as childlike as his method of teasing. Yoongi struggles to find that annoying or at least off-putting but he can't. He finds himself smiling back. Jimin's allure has not been diminished by the pale yellow lights. He shrugs.

"Either way, customer, I'm glad I ran into you. I've been meaning to." Jimin continues.

Yoongi raises a questioning eyebrow at that. "Why?"

"I've been trying to ask you out for two months now and you keep running away before I can."

Yoongi's eyes widen imperceptibly and he blinks at Jimin. "Um..."

"I mean your friends told me you aren't actually dating Rap Monster like I'd assumed and I'm positive you've been checking me out all the times I've caught you but just in case- customer?"

Yoongi was gaping now. What? "What?"

Jimin looks at him for s moment before taking a step back. He looks past Yoongi to where his friends are still waiting for him, ears perked up to make sure they catch every word, and worries his bottom lip. "Have I gotten that wrong?"

Yoongi clamors for control over his vocal cords but all hr seems to be able to do is stare and gape and stare, disbelief and confusion very clear.

He'd seen Jimin for the furst time entirely by chance. He'd gone off in a huff much like he'd done tonight, swearing to himself and cursing every bee that flew by. He'd gone far away from the dorm with no real direction and by the time he'd settled down again he'd been tired and hungry but in no mood to go home. A few places away he'd happened upon the tiny café and gone inside to find food only to have his life never be the same because he locked eyes with Jimin.

Pitiful pining, Jin had called it while Namjoon laughed at his best friend and band mate. And it was true. Yoongi spent hours at the café watching the owner flit about taking care of customers while his food grew cold and remained ignored in favor of ref hair and a sweet smile.

Yoongi blinks drags himself back to the present to find Jimin nodding awkwardky and making a quick getaway. Before he can think better if it Yoongi reaches for him, hand wrapping around his bicep to stop him. "Wait."

Jimin turns around and Yoongi wants to kick himself for the unsure expression that has replaced Jimin's usually self-assured one. "When," his voice comes out odd and shaky but Yoongi just wants Jimin's smile back so he clears his throat and continues, "When did you want to go out?"

Jimin's smile is almost blinding and it's the best thing Yoongi has seen all ing day; he smiles back, relieved breath leaving him in a rush.

"Jimin!" One of Jimin's friends calls to him and Jimin shoots him an apologetic look.

He turns back to Yoongi, "They've been waiting a while, sorry."

"It's fine," Yoongi tells him, shrugging the apology away and smiling.

"Here," Jimin says giving Yoongi his phone, "Put your number in and I'll call you."

Yoongi complies and hands the phone back. Jimin hold the phone up and snaps a photo of him making Yoongi start in surprise. Without a trace of remorse Jimin grins and sticks the phone back in his pocket before walking to his friends and going in the opposite direction from Yoongi's.

At that moment Yoongi's phone buzzes again and he looks to the screen to see Jungkook's derp face derping up at him. He answers on the third ring, "What?"

"Hyung, are you coming home? Namjoon-hyung won't be able to petition Jin-hyung for your life much longer. He thinks you're out there catching pneumonia or an STD which is funny 'cause you haven't gotten laid in aaaaaages-"

"Yah," Yoongi warns the maknae but his heart isn't in it, he's too happy right now, "Tell them I'm coming back." After a beat he remembered, "And tell whoever has been to that café I go to blabbing away they should call their mothers and write up their wills."


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Awww, this is so sweet, I love it! Wonderful one-shot. Would it be terrible to hope for a continuation? :D