Goodbye to you









When friendship and love collides .



Some people say you cannot lose something you never had .. But I did own him .. I did own him as a best friend . I did own him in my fantasies and dreams , my deepest and darkest desires .









The question is ..   How would you react when your same- friend ( who you eventually realized you like ) is about to consider dating a girl ? 




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byungtokki #1
Chapter 2: a little frustrated by the both of them, how byunghun is avoiding myungsoo and how myungsoo is not directly telling him the reason for rejecting byunghun.
but dynamic black!!!!!!!! they were so hot.
and I really hope you won't leave aff! don't leave me all alone here ㅠㅠ it has really been very quiet here sigh
but I understand how you feel! it's been way too quiet which is probably why there hasn't been much responses. unfortunately. which is why I haven't been very motivated to update my stories.....
strafield #2
Chapter 1: whoa- why myungsoo rejecting him so fast. orz.
is it because family? because environment? i gotta give myungsoo a kick. how dare he >:(
and the bonus picturesssss. kyaaa *-*
byungtokki #3
Chapter 1: oh myungsoo you're such a meanie :(
but I think he was in shock? I mean I would be if I was him so it's understandable.
I really like those little pictures of the little moments ljoe has with the other celebrities that you added in at the end of the chapter. he's such a social butterfly it's so cute.
byungtokki #4
*sits and waits patiently for another amazing content of yours <3*