Can You See In The Dark?


Humans are born curious of things they don't understand. They always have the urge to explore worlds in which can lead to danger, if not death. 

Something sinister has been brewing at The Academy Of Young Leaders. The student body has recently been playing certain games carelessly. Hoping to mess with the unknown. A world which they cannot comprehend. A world so dangerous, playing these games wrong can cause a person to die. Messing with the spirit world was never a good idea. But what did stupid teenagers know?

D.O Kyungsoo was always a little different. He ran a buisness in the back of the school that offered to help kids with problems out of this world-for a price. Since a very young age Kyungsoo was always able to see things others couldn't. He was never really here, never really apart of THIS world. A world of one the normal people of society could not see. Kyungsoo could see spirits, demons, entities, etc. Along side with seeing them he could enter their world. Communicate with them. He was part of them. Recently the kids at school started playing these games. Games that played with the world they didnt understand. Leaving the poor boy to handle with the consiquences. 

But not alone, with the handsome boy from his science class, Kim Jongin.



Down below will be some games that the student body will be playing.


  1. Begin at night, just before you got to bed.
  2. Shed your clothing and enter the bathroom. Fill the bathtub with water and turn out the lights.
  3. Climb into the tub and sit down facing the faucet and taps. Close your eyes and begin washing your hair.
  4. As you wash your hair, repeat the words “Daruma-san fell down. Daruma-san fell down.” Do not stop repeating them until you have finished washing your hair. Do not open your eyes.
  5. If you have performed this action correctly, you will gain a mental image of a Japanese woman standing in a bathtub. She will slip and fall, landing face first on a rusty tap and gouging her right eye out.
  6. Should you hear any noise behind you or feel movement in the tub, do NOT turn around and do NOT open your eyes. Ask aloud, ‘Why did you fall in the bathtub?”
  7. Allow the question to hang in the air. Then, keeping your eyes shut, carefully stand up and get out of the tub. Do not trip and fall yourself, and do not drain the tub. Exit the bathroom, shutting the door behind you.
  8. You may now open your eyes. Leave the bathroom as you left it — water in the tub, door shut — until morning. Do not turn on any lights.
  9. Go to sleep.
  10. The Main Event:

  11. Awaken at your usual time. The game begins the moment you open your eyes.
  12. Go about your day as normal. You will feel a constant presence behind you; it is likely that, should you turn to look, you will see nothing. However, glancing over your right shoulder may occasionally reveal a glimpse of her. Her hair will be black and tangled, and she will have only one eye.
  13. She will attempt to get closer and closer to you as the day goes on. Should you spot her and find that she is too close for comfort, shout “Tomare!” — that is, “Stop!” — and run away. The idea is to put some distance between you and her; do NOT allow her to catch you.
  14. The Ending:

  15. Capture her in your gaze by looking over your right shoulder.
  16. Shout “Kitta!” — that is, “I cut you loose!” — while swinging your arm down in a chopping motion. If you have performed this action correctly, a winning condition will have been achieved and the game will be over.
  17. If you have NOT performed this action correctly… run.
  18. Additional Notes:

    She is fond of water and dark spaces; as such, it is recommended that you avoid immersing yourself in or crossing running water, as well as traversing dark spaces, until the conclusion of the game.

    Use the “Tomare!” command sparingly. Each time you use it, the amount of time for which it will stall her will diminish. Use it only when absolutely necessary.

    The ending MUST be performed before midnight. Failing to do so will grant her permission to enter your dreams. Do NOT allow her to do this. Additionally, performing the ending is not as easy as it seems. If she suspects you are about to try to end the game, she may hide. You MUST have her in your sights when you perform the “Kitta!” command.

    Concerning Second Attempts:

    It is NOT recommended that you play this game more than once. Should you play it a second time, she will begin in the same position she was in at the conclusion of the previous game. This will not provide adequate distance to escape her.

    Do NOT let her catch you.

  19. Enter your chosen building and get into the elevator on the first floor alone. Do not proceed if anyone else is in the elevator with you.
  20. Press the button for the fourth floor.
  21. When the elevator reaches the fourth floor, do not get out. Instead, remain in the elevator and press the button for the second floor.
  22. When you reach the second floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the sixth floor.
  23. When you reach the sixth floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the second floor.
  24. When you reach the second floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the tenth floor.
  25. When you reach the tenth floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the fifth floor.
  26. When you reach the fifth floor, a young woman may enter the elevator. Do not look at her; do not speak to her. She is not what she seems.
  27. Press the button for the first floor. If the elevator begins ascending to the tenth floor instead of descending to the first, you may proceed. If the elevator descends to the first floor, exit as soon as the doors open. Do not look back. Do not speak.
  28. If you reach the tenth floor, you may either choose to get off the elevator or to stay on it. If you choose to get off, and if the woman entered the elevator on the fifth floor, she will ask you, “Where are you going?” Do NOT answer her. Do NOT look at her.
  29. You will know whether you have arrived at the Otherworld by one indication, and one indication only: The only person present in it is you.

The Return Trip:

If you chose to stay on the elevator at the tenth floor:

  1. Press the button for the first floor. If it doesn’t work, keep pressing it until it finally does.
  2. When the elevator reaches the first floor, exit as soon as the doors open. Do not look back. Do not speak.

If you choose to exit the elevator at the tenth floor:

  1. You must use the same elevator to return as the one in which you arrived.
  2. When you enter the elevator, press the buttons in the same order you did in steps 2 through 8 of Venturing Out. You should finish at the fifth floor.
  3. When you reach the fifth floor, press the button for the first floor. The elevator will again begin to ascend to the tenth floor. Press any other floor’s button to cancel the ascension. You MUST press the button you use to cancel the ascension BEFORE you reach the tenth floor.
  4. After you reach the first floor, check your surroundings carefully. If anything seems off—even the smallest detail—do NOT exit the elevator. If you detect something wrong, repeat step 2 until your surroundings look as they should. Once you are confident you have returned to your own world, you may safely exit the elevator.

Additional Notes:

  • Should you reach the Otherworld, the floor onto which you will emerge will look almost identical to the one from your own world, save for two things: All the lights will be off, and the only thing you will be able to see from the windows is a red cross in the distance.
  • Some say that electronic devices—mobile phones, cameras, MP3 players, etc.—don’t work in the Otherworld; others say they do.
  • Getting back to your own world may be more difficult than it seems: You may become disoriented and forget which elevator in which you arrived; the elevator may seem to get further and further away from you as you walk towards; and so on. Be vigilant, and keep your wits about you.
  • If at any point during the ritual you faint, pass out, or otherwise lose consciousness, you will likely wake up in your own home. However, be sure to carefully examine your surroundings upon waking—the “home” to which you have been returned may not be the one you left when you first set out to attempt this ritual.

Concerning the Woman on the Fifth Floor:

Do NOT speak to her.

Do NOT look at her.

If you do, she may decide to keep you for her own.

The Closet Game-

  1. Begin at night.
  2. Darken the room: Turn out the lights of the room in which the closet is located and draw the curtains. If the closet also has a light, make sure it, too, is turned off.
  3. Make sure you have the match somewhere on your person.
  4. Open the closet, step inside, and close the door. There should be no light visible, either inside the closet or outside of it.
  5. Stand in the darkness for at least two minutes. Do not move. Do not speak.
  6. After the two minutes are up, hold the match out in front of you. Speak the words, “Show me the light or leave me in darkness.”
  7. Listen closely.
    • If you hear whispers in the darkness: 
      • Light the match immediately. Wait.
    • If you hear nothing:
      • Do not turn around. Wait.
  8. If you have made it this far unscathed, open the closet door, exit the closet, and close the door again. Do NOT look inside the closet.
  9. In fact, don’t look inside the closet ever again if you can help it — and especially not without all the lights on and burning brightly.

Additional Notes:

Some who have successfully completed the ritual say that strange things happen at night if you leave the closet door open. Again, it is NOT recommended that you look in the closet with the lights off… but if you do, you might see two points of light gleaming out of the darkness, glowing red like the tips of a pair of lit matches.

They might be eyes.

But they might not.

But they might.

If You Fail To Light The Match In Time:

Don’t fail. You don’t want to know what happens if you do.





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