

He switches on the lamp and the whole room become brightens in a blink. His eyes spotted Hongbin sleeping on the bed, cuddling with a medium-sized teddy bear. Quietly, he approaches the dongsaeng and put the food tray on the small table beside the bed.

“Hongbinie..” He pats Hongbin thigh slowly to wake him up. But no respond. He tried again.

“Binie…” he try calling him again with the soft voice he had.

Upon hearing someone calling him, Hongbin open his eyes only to found Hakyeon sitting beside him and was staring at him deeply. He scans the eyes who were directly looking at him. No anger, no upset but that pretty eyes look concerns.

“Wake up, Hongbin. Its already past 9 pm. You haven’t take your dinner yet..” 

Hongbin follow Hakyeon instruction and he stay sit on the bed without even moving an inch or even talking. Doesn’t even dare to look at Hakyeon. Hakyeon handing him a bowl of cold noddle to Hongbin as the young one look clueless and stiff.

Took him 15 mins to finish his foods while Hakyeon is still waiting patiently beside him.

“Thank you,hyung” Finally he brave himself to thanked the hyung.

Hakyeon nodded and stare at Hongbin making him feel uncomfortable. ‘Did he going to yell at me?’ That thought even crossing his mind.

“I’m sorry..” Hakyeon apologized.

Hongbin a little taken aback when Hakyeon suddenly doing that. ‘Why did he?’

“I’m sorry if you feel that I’m upset with you today regarding Jaehwan. But please know that I’m not” Hakyeon explain when seeing Hongbin didn’t respond to him.

“But..I thought you are mad because I didn’t tell you about him..”

Hakyeon shaking his head denying that.

“No. I’m not. Instead that I’m blaming myself for not being a good hyung to you guys. For not being care enough to know that one of my dongsaeng are sick..” Hakyeon voice out what have been in his head all the time today.

“No hyung. You are good.. I mean, where we got a hyung like you who always put his dongsaeng as priority? A hyung that love his dongsaeng more than he love himself? It’s only you hyung. You are good enough for us..Please don’t feel bad about it..” Hongbin hold Hakyeon hand to reassure his words. He mean it.

“So..Are we okay by now? No more long faces?” Hakyeon pats Hongbin head softly.

In return, Hongbin nodded and hug him tightly. That warm hug telling him that they are okay by now. He relieves.


Hakyeon steps into his shared room with Taekwoon and seeing that friend are lying down on his single bed with an mp3 listening to songs. Hakyeon sighed and lazily walking towards his bed. He didn’t lie down instead sat on the edge of bed and staring at Taekwoon who isn’t aware of his presence as he closes his eyes while his fingers are moving up and down on the air as if he played a piano. They are staying on that position for 2 minutes, when Taekwoon feel like someone was staring at him. He opens his eyes only to see Hakyeon already in front of him looking devastated. He pulls out the earphone and sits up on bed.

“What with that long face? Are you done with Hongbin? Is he okay?” Taekwoon throw all the questions at once seeing that Hakyeon look a little bit distracted.

Hakyeon nodded.

“Then why are you looking like you just lost your wife..?” Taekwoon jokes but that doesn’t even make Hakyeon laugh.

“Don’t you think as the oldest, we should do something?” Hakyeon asked him.

“Do what?”

“Hongbin and Hyogi. Aren’t by now they should be friend instead of fighting?”

“What did you want to do this time? Can’t you see how they end up last time when we try to help them? They almost throw punch to each other, Hakyeon” Taekwoon rolling his eyes.

Yes, they still remember the last time when they trying to make those two get on each other. When all members are left to practice, they let Hongbin and Hyogi staying at dorm with a simple reason ‘Manager asked them to clean the dorm’ while in the reality it’s just a Hakyeon suggestion. Luckily, Jaehwan return back to dorm few minutes after for his earphone and yelp at the sight of Hongbin grabbing Hyogi shirt and almost punch that youngest face.

“So what should we do now? Aren’t you feeling frustrated to see those two everytime they avoiding each other? We aren’t even debuting yet, but this happen. Imagine it if we are all destined to be together in future? I can’t even imagine that. Must be a nightmare instead..” Hakyeon urge voice snaps Taekwoon out.

Hakyeon already lying down on bed with the blanket covering half of his body.

“Why suddenly you thought of them, when you just coming back from reconciling with Hongbin though?”

“Happen to bump onto Hyogi at the kitchen. He doesn’t even respond to me when I said I just give Hongbin some dinner, instead he just rolling his eyes as he whisper he doesn’t care..Hyogi thought I couldn’t heard him though..” For the last time, Hakyeon sighing again. 

Taekwoon shrugged as he thought that was a normal situation for Hyuk to act like that. 

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HanaMzHz #1
Chapter 23: Waaaaaa ~ I can't wait for the next chappie >.< This is great !!! I hope you won't stop with this fic . I love this a lot <3
Chapter 22: Aww~ baby hyukkawaii is adorable ~ and momma N really loves his baby~
chawir12 #3
Chapter 22: Aww....I love this chapter so much.So sweet...Thanks for an update,authornim
Chapter 21: The family is getting closer than ever lemme cry
vixxcha #5
Chapter 20: this is soo good..i really love this moment T^T
tq for an update authornim ^^
rain3396 #6
Chapter 20: They are so sweet
chaglutinous #7
Chapter 20: I'm actually crying as well ;(
Asynknsh93 #8
Chapter 19: I hope binnie and hyukkie get together and be friend and hongbin will be the best hyung to hyuk~
Chapter 18: His family is my number suspect here!!
Asynknsh93 #10
Chapter 18: I hope hakyeon didnt mad at him and ask him softly abt what happened.