sonshil (sangshil)


Escaping a witch? Piece of cake. Navigating high school? Not so tough. Trying to deal with each other? Well, that's a bit more difficult.

After escaping their captor, six newly freed souls chase the lives they missed - starting with high school. Dealing with an angry woman high on a super power kick was easy compared to learning to deal with each others' mood swings, new friendships and the responsibilities of independence (like paying for rent). But they've gone through tough times before and aren't willing to throw in the towel now - and this time they've got a new friend on their side.

Hopefully she'll be able to help when the witch returns to ruin things.


Hello, hello, hello! It's me again, with yet another VIXX fic in the works.

This one, however, has been in the works for a while and has the first few chapters written already and waiting. I've actually been fussing over this one for even longer than A Doll, but haven't found the right way to write it until now.

The title stands for loss, the first word being loss of a posession, while the second is for the loss of a person. Hopefully my choice for the title becomes clear as the story progresses. This is an OC and VIXX centric story and will bounce between the new character and the boys' POVs. It's also a poly ship, between the boys and will eventually include the new OC (poly shipping is my thing because why angst when you can love), but romance isn't really my goal for this fic - though it will be shown occasionally.

My real goal for this? Self-indulgent fluff. So look forward to cuteness and fluff, the angst is just to highlight the good stuff when it comes.


Regular updates will be Mondays though, provided that nothing gets in the way.



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Chapter 2: Those two seem to have assimilated pretty quickly
Chapter 1: Interesting take on the voodoo concept. I'm curious to see where this goes