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N is a dancer, Leo is a ghost that is stuck with N for 3 months. A foul murder story, where the murder scenes are not included, foul timing of NEO moment AND clearly childish plotline ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ) thanks! Read at your own risk.



Its my FIRST fanfic. So it's childish(⌐■_■)

Also... See that Cover photo??!!

That's right!!! There's no NEO\LEON so don't read (¬_¬`) 

I mean it. There's areason why its subscriber only .....


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vixxn9094 #1
Chapter 9: whats up with disappear and fine a new place
Chapter 27: I loved this chapter
It was very good
Chapter 27: Wow O_O
I got scared too ken-ah o_o
hanistar99 #4
Chapter 27: Well it's really make sense that Hyuk is a murderer and of course his manager is his assistant... Since a serial killer who is also a psychopath (usually they ARE psychopath) love to make a mess (in form of confusion) and play with people around them to actually 'reveal' them and their evil deeds...
(Well, I know this much thanks to TUNNEL XD)

Btw, the layout is cool and not disturbing, I love to read with this layout (^^)d
Chapter 27: It's not don't worry
Chapter 27: I Have a feeling that if/when Hakyeon win's the dance competition he'll be the next target. Also, and I'm probably completely wrong about this, Hyuk may have killed Leo in one of his rage fits or at least plotted to, but his manager is the real mastermind behind everything and has intentionally framed Ravi and the rest of the group since Kai's death and has been using them to distract the police from his activities.
Chapter 27: At 100 degrees celsius, all of his bodily fluids would be boiling and he'd be dead...
hanistar99 #8
Chapter 26: Don't you say that Hakyeon is the next victim T,T
omo omo hyuk !!!!! wow exciting
keep it up fighting ^^
rose22 #10
Chapter 26: Omg!!!! I really loved this chapter!!!