And Eat It Too


The sound of it snaps Baekhyun out of his own absorption: the sinewy denim-clad thigh that barely brushes his, the daily-widening shoulder that grazes his irremediably slight one, the cuts and curvature of the catlike visage that faces the screen in seeming disinterest but actual engagement. Why is it he feels that thigh, that shoulder, that gaze with ten times the keenness he does the arm of his lover that's wrapped about his neck? The right side of his lank body crushed against Baekhyun's left. Why is it he wishes he were similarly held by the other, the younger, their youngest? No, not as close – closer. I want him closer.    


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yehet_pcy #1
This was so emotionally draining to read for some reason.... i mean i swear i always love sebaekyeol but like this im just in pain... this was so ed up and idc if it's a somewhat good ending.... as a reader i think all three of them are ed up, baek being the most. His greed is unfathomable. The mention here is that sehun is the one whos greedy for not having chosen between them when he was asked, but in my eyes and for me... the fact that baekhyun had someone who was loyal and loved him so tenderly and yet he didnt appreciate much of that love in favor of desire for sehun... i mean i know yeol felt the same way about yeol st one point or another, and maybe its only because this was written in baeks pov that i saw him and his darkest sides, his lust and greed and blatant disregard for yeol's feelings (or at most, thinking about yeols feelings but doing nothing to hurt them any less).... i feel like yeol's character here was just so pityful... i just feel bad for him
Maybe i read this all wrong... feel free to try and change my mind. Despite the weight though i did enjoy reading this. So much conflict. Thanks for writing and sharing!!!