
Reading your lips

They had a peaceful meal, YongGuk noticed how close Daehyun and Eunji were. Getting on each others nerves and laughing all around ; Daehyun was doing much better. YongGuk could sense by Eunji furious way to sign that she was insulting the girl, and that suceeded in making Daehyun smile for the moment.

He couldn't follow much of their conversation but he loved how those peoplealways made sure to translate for him. And he was right they were badmouthing about his girlfriend.


The delicious food also played a major part of why he stopped to cry.

Now they were back on the living room. It was 3PM. Daehyun was patiently waiting for his brother to come here.


Eunji rested her head on YongGuk shoulder, getting on Daehyun nerves. He whined. « She did that to this jerk. You know her hair smell like cherry blossom ... »


Eunji sighed looking at him. He was really deep into this girl. When his brother beep his car ; Eunji rushed to open and deliver Daehyun to his brother. He thanked her longly, her and YongGuk before getting in the car. YongGuk looked at Eunji wave politely to the brother that nodded aknowledging her.


« Gosh I want to be there when he'll be announcing that to his parents. » Eunji said.


YongGuk chuckled. « You know them ? »


« The deaf community is a small world. His mother is a teacher in our school. And I do know very well his Dad. » Eunji said while sitting.


« So it's been a while that you know each other ? » YongGuk asked, not living how his voice sounded at this moment, unsure and uneasy.


« Yeah. Since we're seven years old. More than ten years. »


Eunji chuckled and looked at YongGuk do a weird face expression. « Don't be afraid to ask the question. » He looked at her surprised. So he wasn't that subtil. She grinned.

« It's normal to ask yourself this question … but if you don't ask the question, you don't get your answer. » She said playfully.


He jokingly pinned her to the wall, and asked with a hint of insecurity. « Hmm, so did you date Daehyun ? »


Eunji shook her head. « Nope. There's no feelings like this between us, we're like bros, I tend to see him as my little brother. He's a real crybaby.»


YongGuk nodded, relieved. He set her free and looked at her hesitating to say something with amusing eyes. « Even if I dated his older brother. »


« WHAT ??? » He said looking at her amused. She patted his chest, with a cute pout. « Only for nine days. Then, he ditched me for his former girlfriend. It doesn't actually count. »


YongGuk laughed. « I'm curious to see the kind of men you dated. »


« They were all different. Really different. » Eunji said, nodding to what she just said.


« So there were really a tons of them. » YongGuk said with a tone that made Eunji embarrassed. His tone was playful but still a little bit mad. He looked at her become red as a tomato and laughed. Eunji looked at him laugh dumbfounded and he kissed her forehead. "Sorry that was too funny."


 « You don't seem that angry about it. » Eunji remembered of her former boyfriends she had after the first one, they were all mad about not being the first one.


« Babe, if you're with me right now, it's because it didn't work it out with them right ? So no worries. » YongGuk said grinning.


Eunji nodded. « And don't Babe me, unless you want me to call you Honey.  Now let's sleep. Gosh it's almost 5AM."

They got in the bed and Eunji hugged him and resting her head on his chest. Suddenly, she let out a gasp "Oh Gosh, my hearing aids. I have to remove it."

He looked at Eunji stand up and put her hearing aids on her desk before lying back. She came back lying next to him and they fell asleep pretty quickly.


When he woke up,  his girlfriend was still sleeping. She indeed has peaceful nights. YongGuk put away a strand of hair that was in her face and looked around her room. He smiled seeing how angelic she was sleeping. He already answered to his brother call and this didn't wake her up.


He suddenly understood what this implies. Being hard of hearing and not wearing your hearing aids means you can miss importants things. Like people ringing at your door, the light alert was donwstairs and was useless when she was sleeping. Soon, something vibrated on her sidetable and he looked at her lazily reach it to turn it off. 

She considered how cwaken up he looked and bite her lips. « Oh, you waited for me right ? »


YongGuk shrugged. « I've stared at you ike a creep. Don't worry that wasn't boring. »

Eunji looked at him with a sorry face, not the one he expected.  "Hmm wait for me to put on my hearing aids. A such difficult exercise on the morning it's a no-no." 

He nodded and looked at her put it on and she smiled to him when her task was over. He repeated himself and she lost her smile. "Creep."

That made them burst in laugh together.



Sasha opened the door to Eunji. « Hello you !! »


« Hello Noona! »


« Here to for your lesson ? YongGuk is still under the shower, let me bring you in his room, I'll announce you. »


Eunji nodded and they got in the living room. Sasha threw a pillow at his brother. « Joonie, your room is just upstairs. Please, it's disgusting. »


Eunji looked at Joon shrugg with a grin before kissing back his prey sitting on his lap. She blushed. It felt weird. It looked like YongGuk yet wasn't him. She lied on YongGuk bed and soon the door was opened on YongGuk, fully dressed with damp hair. 


« Hey, you're already there ? » He asked with a smile.


She nodded and stood up to kiss him. She raised her feet to reach his lips and he grabbed her waist so she won't fall.


« Whaou, that's a really romantic kiss. It was lovely Gukkie !!! » Sasha said clapping. YongGuk looked at her in annoyance.

« Noona, are you spying on us ? » He asked, looking at his sister lose her smile for a frown.


« No, just checking if you kiss as disgustingly as Joonie. That's not the case, lucky you Eunji. » Sasha winked at Eunji and left on those words, closing his door..« What was she talking about ? »


« Your twin is french kissing a girl on the sofa. »

He looked how Eunji blushed after the sentence. « Disgusting, right ? » He asked, he got pretty used to it now.


She nodded and hugged him. « And confusing. It's like seeing you doing that, that's awfully weird. »


YongGuk chuckled. « Hmm, I'll only do that with you. » He said to her making her giggle. « I'm sure Hyung will have trouble to remember her name. »


« You're like day and night. »


YongGuk shrugged.  « He wasn't like this before. He was serious when he was when Jihyun but when he got in the school, you know he's so sociable and stuffs that he got new friends, new girls crushing on him, making Jihyun insecure.  He's playful in appearance but was really faithful to her. She left him anyways. »


Eunji nodded, understanding a few things. « So you crushed on Ji- »


YongGuk covered with his hand, panicked. « Yes... But that's a secret. And that's over, okay ? »


Eunji nodded, looking how worried he looked now she discovered his secret. She hugged him and ran her hand though his damp hair.

« YongGuk, that mustn't have been easy for you everyday. » She whispered in his ear softly. He noticed how soft she was hugging him. It was almost being hugged by a child. To reach his face, she was tip toeing, struggling to keep balance. He lifted her in his arms, making her let out a surprised gasp.

He stared at her happy. « But now I have you. »


She smiled. « Right. You have me. » They kissed very slowly.



YongJoon looked at his prey go out of his house and soon heard his brother and girlfriend in the kitchen.


« I should give you back your Dad soup bowl. » YongGuk said.


He looked at his brother give it back to Eunji. She hugged him and he heard his brother chuckle. « I think you became fond of hugging me. »


«Told you that I was on skinship. » The girlfriend said


YongGuk nodded, she took the initiative of almost everything. He comtemplated her face before kissing her ear.« Ya it tickles !!! » He butterfly kissed it and she laughed. « It tickles. Stop it please ! Some pity on my useless ear. »


YongGuk stopped himself and pinched her cheek. « How do you sign one of the kind ? »


Eunji did the sign for him and corrected his fingers ; Soon, YongGuk signed a sentence for Eunji, making her go awe.


YongJoon shook his head. His brother really learned sign langague for her. They stayed froze for a moment. « Really ? » She asked.


« A lot. » YongGuk said before kissing her with his plump lips. Eunji circled his waist with her fingertips, getting closer to him while YongGuk was cupping her cheeks in a loving manner. They kissed softly and longly as if they had all the time of the world to do so. YongGuk was the one that removed his lips ; turning the kiss in a hug. Yongjoon could sense softness and love between them. The way his twin look at this girl was so intense and sparkly.

It was the same way himself looked at Jihyun. He was sure of it.




The end of the semester arrived pretty quickly. On the last day of school before holidays; Eunji was having a little conversation with Jihyun while YongGuk was talking to a boy of their class. Soon the teacher came and they started the last class of the semester. A whole feeling of excitement and happines could be felt. Smiles were more frequent and the teacher stopped himself five minutes before the class ended.


« You're obviously too excited for this break, right ? Have a fun spring break and let's work harder for the last semester of high school , okay ? »


Everyone nodded and he left on those words. Eunji and YongGuk left hands in hands. « So are you and your family doing something ? » She asked.


« Nope. Dad is maybe coming for a few days that's all. »


« Okay. Bouhh the scary dad is coming back. »


He laughed. Nonetheless, it was true, his mom already started to clean up everywhere and bought concealer for her daughter in order to hide her tatoos.

« We're going to have our family dinner. »


« Oh. » Eunji said. She imagined that his father was the kind to go to an traditionnal restaurant and ask about each of his children plan for the next year including marriage savings and studies. She giggled thinking about it.


They were already in the bus when YongGuk poked her side. « Are you doing something this spring ? »


She smiled. « Huh I'm going to my vacation house. »


« Oh. With your family ? »


« There's Dad and Mom. Daehyun and his parent, several friends and that's pretty much it. We're staying all spring almost. » Eunji said, with a dreamy smile.


« Really ? » YongGuk said, hiding his deception. That means that he probably spent his holidays with his brother. Like always.


« You think you can come a week or two ? I'd really like that. » Eunji said, blushing a little bit. He pinched her cheek, touched by her invitation.


« I think I can get autorisation for that. »


Eunji clapped in her hand. « That's really cool. Spring break is always the best. »


YongGuk didn't get why she was so happy about it and seeing her excited like a child. « You seem really excited about it. »


« You don't say. It's one of the only occasion of the year when my family is together. Mom stays with us, dad make every meal breakfast and dinner and we can go around the village all day. There's also a beautiful river. We usually go there all day long. »


« Oh I'm really looking forwards that then. » YongGuk said. This seemed a lot like paradise.


« You must come. If your parents doesn't agree I'm going to kidnap you and get you in my house. » She grabbed his shirt and gave him a fake rough kiss before bursting in laughs. YongGuk shook his head, she seemed really really really looking forwards those vacation.


« Do you think you can come around the 20 ? »


« I'll try. »


« That's my birthday on the 22. I'll be so happy if you'll be there. I'll get the perfect vacations pictures. » 


YongGuk nodded with a smile. If Eunji was a radiant girl, nowadays she was on the 9th cloud because of her future vacation there. He kissed her forehead, in awe of her cuteness.

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Chapter 35: Nice end..the husband a bit too stubborn leaving pregnant wife for one week's great story
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 33: Oooh, this was sweet. So it was just the 3 of them this trip. Hahahaha, it that she's been so sick, but it seems Yongguk was just what she needed. Not to metion how he needed her for the lightening, which was too cute of a moment!! Also, very sweet how you wrote their 1st time since she's been sick, they truly are an adorable couple! Thank you for updating.
Chapter 33: Cute chapter
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 32: This was a sweet update, she got to understand Yongjoon more & see his thoughtfulness. But I still crack up with Daehyun & Yongjoon and him knocking at the door! Haha but I get her wanting him to enjoy, but love that he wanted to be by her side. Thank you for the update, looking forward to more!
Chapter 32: It's been long time I read this story. I really miss it and I really excited when I saw you update this story....
Lol I was thinking the same with YongJoon. Now I'm really curious what illness does Eunji has ><
I hope it's not serious.
Thank you for updating this chapter and see you soon ^^
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 31: No worries! Hope all of your midterms & finals went well! Omg, I know she has her inner ear situation that makes her that sick, but I keep thinking she's got a little bun in the oven!! I think he needs to get her a pregnancy test ^_^ Otherwise, I'm glad his dad was kind to her and that they got to enjoy some free time, because 4months apart is toooooo long from the one you love! This was a sweet chapter, seeing how he cares for her even at his party & how she wants him to enjoy even though she feels so sick! Thank you for updating, looking forward to more!
jmayo81 #7
Chapter 30: Fluffy & pure adorableness! I was wondering why she was so anxious to leave, then he showed up. But she fought back, which was awesome & seeing Yongguk lose it, even better. This was such a sweet yet necessary chapter. It defines their relationship so well. Loved it! Thank you for updating!
Chapter 30: So adorable ..thank you for nice chapter
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 29: This chapter, there was a lot going on &I feelings were high, as they should've been. His father said horrible things about her, and watching Yongguk be protective of her was beautiful. But by far the simply perfect moment was her signing I love you on his back! Beautiful & precious moments in this chapter, thank you for the update!